It was your typical Saturday morning. I had gone out the night before to thelocal club and saw the same old crowd. The music was dull and I justcouldn't seem to get into the mood to party. Everywhere I looked I saw thesame faces and wondered why I bothered. The kind of guy I would really liketo get my mouth on would be a nice jock with a big cock, but my chances ofthat ever happening where next to nil. So these where my thoughts as I droveto the gym this Saturday morning to do some serious weightlifting. Once there I noticed the place was unusually quiet, even for a Saturdaymorning. Then I realized the college semester was over till January, andsince the gym was right next to the University it made sense no one wasaround. I was just despairing of even getting a chance to eye some nice hunkwhen in walked Mr. Stud of the year. Man how had I ever missed this guybefore! Now here was a prime piece of manhood, grade A+ beef, this guy was HOT!.Quickly I pulled myself together. This was a public gym and I was liable tohave my face smashed in if I didn't keep my eyes where they belonged.Luckily there are mirrors all around the gym so while I was doing my bicepcurls I watched the jock work-out. Now I am no slouch myself. About 5'11",with a nice lean muscular build with good definition. My blond hair and blueeyes usually attracted some attention when combined with my nice swimmersbuild. But this guy had some serious muscle. He was a perfect match of powerand definition. At about 6' 1" and probably about 190lbs or pure, rock solidmuscle. I watched him lean back to do some incline bench press's. He was right nextto me and I kept glancing out of the corner of my eye, hoping to see hisveins pump on his big meaty arms. I watched his very roughish and handsomeface turn red as he pressed the weight up. I thought his tank top would rip,as his big thick pecs strained against the fragile clothe. Cords sprain outaround his thick neck as he struggled with one more lift. Then with a loudgrunt he finished. God what a display! But not only was this guy all muscle and raw macho sex, but he looked greatas well. He wore a baseball cap on backwards, like a lot of jocks, and darkblack, thick rich hair sprouted out underneath. His face was slightlyunshaven giving him a dark dangerous look. He had deep green brooding eyesset in an incredibly butch and masculine face. Strong jaw bones, thick hotand sexy lips, and a strong demanding set to his mouth as he bent over andstretched his leg muscles. I nearly came right there as I looked at his buttas he bent over. A perfect, rock solid ass that looked so tight you couldprobably bounce two inch stones off of it. I could just imagine myself down on my knees with my two hands grasping andmolding the firm muscles of his ass as his powerful hips drove his raginghard-on in and out of my mouth. At that point I looked down and saw I wasgetting a raging erection in my shorts. I looked his way quickly but hedidn't seem to notice. I got up, very carefully and went to another area totry and clam down. But the next thing I knew this deep bass voice was askingme if I would mind spotting him while he did some lat pull downs. I saidsure, my heart racing, and walked over to where he was sitting. He wanted meto hold his shoulders down as he worked out his back and lat muscles. I wentover and placed my hands on his very wide powerhouse shoulders, feeling hugemuscles bunching as he pulled down on the bar, bringing it down behind hishead. I was in heaven, watching his shoulders flex and feeling his hotsweaty skin beneath my hands, loving the feel of his muscles workingunderneath the skin. When he was done he got up and I started to walk away.But he stopped me; reaching out with a huge, firm hand that grabbed myshoulder in a steel like grip to turn me around. I looked up at his handsomeface and saw a twisted smile playing around his lips. "I bet you reallyliked that didn't you?" he said, smirking at my confusion. I started tostutter out some feeble excuse, but he stopped me. "Don't bother, I saw youstaring at me in the mirror. I figured you were some queer boy when youstarted growing that boner while I was flexing these big muscles of mine.""What are you going to do to me? I muttered, scared out of my wits. "Wellfaggot, It just so happens I woke up horny as hell this morning, my big dickso hard I could barely piss. But my girlfriend has gone home for break and Icould really use some release. So how about's you give my cock some good olesucking like it deserves?" I was so excited I could barely talk. Here wasthis absolute god of a man, in his prime, a hot young college buck, wantingme to suck him off. "I'd do absolutely anything you want me to. Man you arejust so hot I could cum just looking at you" I finally managed to spurt out.He just smiled. "I thought so, you'd do anything to worship my big meatymanhood. I bet you would cum just watching me workout in the nude." Wellthere's a backroom here that no one uses so lets take a break from workingin here and you can work-out a real mans muscle; on your knees where youbelong with my thick cock stuffed down you hot wet throat." With that hegave me a rough push towards the back of the gym, and then pushed me into asmall supply room. There was no place to sit, but there was an exercise maton the floor, which I used to keep my knees from getting sore. I watched ashe closed the door and then turned to me, waiting on my knees, and pulledhis sweat soaked tank top off. I groaned in heat as I saw his muscular chestfully exposed. Every muscle was sharp and defined. Two giant slabs of beefformed his upper torso. Those pecs looked like they were carved fromgranite, with two large erect nipples capping his pecs, waiting for my mouthto suck on them. Beads of sweat rolled down his mountain of a chest, downrippling washboard abs, to collect at the base of his gym shorts. My eyeswandered down his flat lean stomach to his slim waist. I watched as hegrabbed his crotch with a big meaty hand and began to grope himself. Hugemuscles in his arms flexing as he worked his dick, pawing and pulling on hismighty organ as he began to get hard. He kicked off his shoes and pulled offhis socks. He was now standing before me, naked except for his small tightgym shorts. The sweat from his body making them so wet I could clearly seethe outline of a tremendous dick pulsating before my very eyes. "Look at meboy! You love my body don't you! Now get down an kiss my feet, kneel beforethis hot jock and prepare to get your face fucked by a real man." I crawledover and begin to lick and kiss his feet. Smelling the aroma of hot sex andsweat coming from his body. He smelled like pure man as I begin to work mytongue up his legs. Past his iron hard calves that were the size of mythighs, to tree trunk sized thighs where I pressed my tongue eagerly overhis flexing muscles. He watched me as I licked the sweat from his mightylegs. He felt immovable standing there, his legs were so strong andpowerful. Then he grabbed me by the hair and held me at arms length from hiscrotch. With his other hand he pulled his cock straight up in his shorts,now fully hard. It stuck at least a good four inches above the waistband,poking up above his belly button. The large purple cock head pressed tightagainst his firm flat stomach. I licked my lips as a steady stream of clearpre-cum juice leaked out of the throbbing cock head to run down his thickorgan. He let me go for a moment as he whipped off his shorts and underwear,to finally stand totally nude in all his magnificent glory before me. Heleaned against the wall, one hand behind his head, his arm and shouldermuscles standing out in sharp relief as he posed. The other hand was down athis huge cock, slowly, playfully, stroking it. He ran his hand all the waydown to the thick base by his huge bull balls. Squeezing it slowly in hismighty fist. Then ever so slowly pulling his fist upwards along the thick,hot staff of manhood. I thought it would take him forever to get to the top.His cock must have been at least eleven inches long and perfect in shape anddetail. An almost purple circumcised mushroom shaped cock head capped thebaseball bat sized cock shaft. His jock cock was so wide I bet I couldn'teven connect my fingers around it, and would probably still have room formore hands if it was being three fisted! His hips pumped the air slightly ashe continued stroking his cock. Enjoying watching me drool over his body ashe rubbed his pre-cum all over his cock, making it wet and shiny in thelight. "Okay fag, heres what you've been waiting for. Get over here, getdown on your knees, and open wide!" He commanded in his deep sexy voice,holding his throbbing cock straight out, pointing towards me like a loadedweapon. I crawled to his feet on my knees, mouth open wide ready to beimpaled upon his super thick manhood. As I reached out with my hands toguide his cock into my eager mouth he stopped me. "No hands boy! I just wantthat hot mouth of yours sucking on this cock. I'll take care of feeding youmy big meat. Your here to make me feel good and that's it, got it! Now justkneel there like a good boy and let me feed this cock to you." With that hetook one hand to grab the top of my head in a vise like grip and with theother he fisted his eleven inch pole and pulled my face towards it. Ever soslowly, enjoying my agony as he teased me with his cock. I stretched mytongue out as far as I could, struggling for a taste of his pre-cum. Finallyhe let me. "Lick my cock head. Yea that's it boy, run your tongue over mythick dick head. Get a feel for just how big this organ is that's soon goingto be ramming down your throat, spearheading its way down your gullet whileyou give me the best damn blow job you know how." He grunted out as mytongue licked all over his cock head. I savored the taste of his sweet saltyprecum juice, lapping the fat mushroom cap of his dick, bathing his cockwith my hot tongue as it poked and prodded my mouth. He pulled me away alittle... "Do you want to suck on this cock? Are you going to make me feelgood? tell me how much you want me!" he commanded, holding that huge cockbefore my eyes, hypnotizing me with his mighty organ. "Please let me suck onit! I want you to ram that hard cock down my throat. I want to taste yourcock, feel it throbbing in my mouth. Please LET ME SUCK ON IT!" I whimperedhungrily. He smiled in triumph and then begin to slap his hard dick againstmy face, spraying me with his leaking pre-cum and my spit. It felt likebeing hit with a brick, his dick was so big and hard. It left red marks onmy checks as he banished it like a weapon. The eleven inch shaft making hotsmacking sounds as he repeatedly slapped his huge dick against my cheeks,running it over my forehead, poking it at my eyes and face. I moaned feelingit burning against my face. he was so hot, so muscular and so horny. Hisdick was like an iron crowbar when he all of a sudden violently forced itbetween my lips. I could barely open my mouth wide enough, my mouthstretched so tightly I thought it would split as he placed the first coupleof inches of his big cock in my mouth. "Yea that feels good. You hot mouthis so tight around my horny dick, making it feel real good. Now startsucking that cock boy. Yea that's it use that tongue, make that suction onmy dick. Suck me right in cause I'm gonna feed you the whole thing" he spatout. He then grabbed my head with both hands, making a vice like grip oneither side of my head as he stood there before me and fed me his dick. Ionly existed as hot wet mouth to him. I was on my knees before this jockwhile he stood there with a super hard, monster sized cock stuffed into mymouth, slowly pushing it in and out of my mouth. He was totally in controlas he held my head in two large hands, the strength of them so powerful Iknew I could never break free. I was at his complete mercy as he moved myhead back and forth on his dick. I ran my hands up over the back of hislegs, molding them to his large thick calf muscles, up his iron-thewedthighs, to finally rest where I had dreamed of placing them; on his perfectbubble butt. It was the classic football players butt. Solid steel, smoothand round and pure muscle. I could feel them clench and unclench as he usedhis mighty hips to power drive his dick into my mouth. "Well boy, you've hada chance for me to stretch that mouth of yours. Now its time for someserious face-fucking. I want to drive my thick dick all the way down yourthroat. I'm going make you choke on the whole eleven inches of my primemanmeat." he told me as he begin to push with his hips, forcing more andmore of his cock into my mouth, past my tongue and down my throat. He wouldpush in about an inch, then pull almost all the way out, so that just thethick big head was in my mouth. Then slowly push it back in, going deeperand deeper each time. As he got deeper and deeper his speed started to pickup. By know I was almost seeing stars. My own dick was leaking like a faucetas my hard eight inches cried out in agony against my leg. But I ignored it,all I wanted to concentrate on was this mans dick. I sucked with a passion Ihad never realized I had. As his cock went further and further into my mouthI strained my throat muscles to take it all, and as he pulled out I suckedin with all my might, creating an incredible suction on his dick. He hugemuscular body was covered in sweat now, muscles popping and flexing all overhis body, his steel like buttocks slippery in my frantic grip as I inhaledhis manhood. He was moaning in heat now, chanting to me. "Yea, suck it boy!SUCK ME HARDER! Take my thick cock down that throat... yeah suck menow...take it all fag, eat my cock. Oooohhh man does that feel good. Youknow how to make a man feel real good" he yelled out, really picking upspeed now. His hips becoming a blur as he began to pump his cock faster andfaster in and out of my mouth. My body was almost limp at this point and hewas effortlessly holding me up with his two hands, his feet spread in a widefirm stance, his hips pounding that mighty tree sized shaft into my mouth.My mouth was aching, but I would never let go. I was in pure ecstasy as hiscock become even harder in my mouth. I didn't think it was possible, it waslike sucking an iron bar. Only this bar was hot and wet and throbbing withhot pulsating blood and raw sexual power. The huge organ was ramming its wayall the way down my throat. He was forcing my head onto his dick, impalingme on his cock as he neared his climax. "I'm going to cum any moment boy!Keep sucking my dick. Oooh yea..make me feel sooo damn fuckinghot....I can't stand it...your sucking me so good....taking that wholeeleven inches of cock down your I'm so close...want tocum...need to cum...gonna fill your gut with my hot creamy jock-juice....gonna shoot a massive load down your pretty boy throat...oh manSUCK IT ... HARDER ... SUCK ME, SUCK SUCK SUCK IT BOY!" he yelled outhoarsely as with one final thrust of that delicious cock he pushed the wholedamn eleven inches down my throat, my lips pressed tightly to his bush, hishuge bull balls so packed with mancum they were pressed against my chin. Icouldn't breath, but I didn't care. He held my face tightly pressed againsthis crotch as with one might cry his massive disk spasmed and shot! Itburned like liquid fire as it shot down my gullet, heating my insides withhis hot man cream. Then another load shot out, penetrating deep inside me."Take that load boy, OH YEA SUCK IT...feel my hot cum shooting insideyou..." he cried out in pleasure. Then he very quickly pulled his cock backout of my throat so just the head was in my mouth. "Taste a real studs cumboy, swallow that sperm" he moaned out and then he shot a third time into mymouth, the loads actually seeming to get bigger. I felt the hot salty cumspray into my mouth, filling it with his male essence. I swallowed eagerly,moaning in pleasure as I tasted his hot cum in my mouth. But try as I mightI couldn't get it all and it spurted out of my mouth like a soda can allshaken up. Cum was leaking out down the mighty shooting cock. He pulled itall the way out with a loud POP! Then stroking it with his fist he aimed thedick at my face and shot the rest of his load all over my face. I thought itwould never stop, as load after load of hot semen rained down on me. He wasfisting his majestic cock in two hands, forcing out every last drop of cumall over my face. I was drenched in his man seed, hot drops of liquid sexrunning down my nose and cheeks. Hot sticky cum covered my hair and ran outof my mouth as I tried in vain to lick and suck every bit of cum I could. Mywhole head was covered in cum and more of it had leaked down my face onto mychest as he finally stopped stroking his cock. The big organ still fullyhard, fully erect in front of him like a huge flagpole. The glowing prickcovered in my spit and his cum, big globs of cum leaking out of thethrobbing head, making a chain of cum that fell towards the floor. Lookingdown I actually saw a small puddle of his cum between his large feet, as hisbreath slowly subsided. I looked up at him, this huge muscular stud. Hisbody covered in sweat and cum, his cock still hard, but the body relaxed.All his muscles in clear definition as he stretched his arms, looking at mewith a contented smirk.Part 2I began to get to my feet, ready to leave when helooked at me and smiled. "Where do you think your going boy?" he questioned,as he began to fist his softening cock back into its full, erect glory."That was just the warm up, now its time for the real thing. I'm gonna showyou what its like to get fucked by a real man. Do you think your ready tohave me power drive this huge cock of mine up that nice tight butt ofyours?" he ordered more than asked. I just moaned in pleasure and rolledover. His big hands, covered in sweat and cum, rubbed my itching man-hole.This guy was experienced, I could tell. With a deft motion he placed hiscock-head between by cheeks, sqeezing his cock so its throbing head got evenlarger. Without much ado he pressed on and made be grunt my teeth. He onlystopped long enough for him to get a grip on my hips with those big hands ofhis. He really started to fuck me, then. His musculin waist pushing thatcock of him inside of me faster and faster. I could tell this wasn't goingto take long. It felt so good, I didn't want it to stop, ever. Just when Ifelt he was about to come, all to soon, he turned me over. On his knees,his big cock was throbbing, aching for my butt-hole. I just wanted to bendover, needing to feel that bif cock-head bursting in my mouth, but he justforced me on my back and pulled up my legs. With a wicked grin he pushedhimself in position, my legs on his shoulders, my ass high up for him toplunder. His cock was so fucking hard he could barely bend it down inposition. It was then that I realized that during his previous fuck he hadbarely used one quarter of his long thick cock. I got a little scared andfelt around his big arms and chest for a hold, the big muscles reminding meof hot iron. He looked up when I grabbed the back of his thickly muscledneck. "What do you think your doin' boy?" he questioned, as he began to pushhis hard cock-head up my tight ass. "As I said, that was just the warm up,now its time for some serious fuckin'. I'm gonna show you what its like toget fucked by a real man. I'm gonna power drive this huge cock of mine upthat nice tight butt of yours! Don't think that me commin' just know isgonna take something out of me now. I usually come four or five time beforeI start to tire, but that is with a warm and wet cunt. Your man-hole mayinspire me far more." I know, there are lots of guys out there who bragabout this. Its fun to hear them, but you know its bragging. Coming fromthis guy I could believe it. Watching my face contort of pain and fear hepushed down on me. His cock drawing my blood, I'm sure. He stopped halfwaydown. I realized my hands were on his chest, biting into his muscular chest.Every muscle was sharp and defined. Those two giant slabs of beef lookedlike they were carved from granite. My fingers felt for his two large erectnipples capping his pecs. Beads of sweat rolled down his mountain of achest, down dripping on me. My eyes wandered down his rippling washboardabs, to lock on his big cock. My eyes widened and he smiled his wicked grinagain, white teeth showing. "Enough foreplay boy. Your ass is mine." Hegrabbed me in a fice-like grip and pushed down hard. His eyes never left myface. I could feel him enjoying my pain and lust for more of his cock whilehe kept baring down on me. I could barely feel his bush of pubic hair whenhe stopped for a second. Then he nearly broke my spine, letting his weightpush in his cock to the roots, his balls slapping against my but. He keptbaring down like that a couple of times, moving no more then an inch or sowith his big cock, widening me up for some real power drive fucking. Then hegave it to me, the hard way. He nearly pulled out his cock and in one fluidmotion he pushed back in again. After a couple of times he increasedmomentum again. His balls slapping my butt, he groaning with lust. He keptthis up for some time. My soft penis was getting hard again by now, the paingiving way to my need to come. He was reallu into it now. Sweat pouring downhis huge muscles, his body working like one big fucking machine. Then hebend his arms and placed them around my head, his elbows on the ground, allthis without missing a beat. "Oh yeah," he groaned. "That feels real good."My head buried between his big upper arms and chest muscles, I was inheaven. My butt finally relaxed enough for me to really enjoy this. Isqeezed his biceps, and he made them hard as rock. When I put my hot mouthon them I could fell them tightning, when his cock send wave after wave ofhot semen in my ass. I think it was less than before, but I'm not so sure.After that he fucked me again, me on my stomach. This time it was hard andwild. He rammed his man-pole up my ass, pounding his balls into me. I camethat time, real hard. My ass tightning around his cock must have felt goodto him. I don't see him often. Just now and then in the gym, but he ignoresme most of the time. I gave him my number. Now and again he calls me,telling me his girlfriend is out of town, and then we fuck.One time she went out of town for a month, and he called me a few daysbefore she got back...