Just how big is BIG?

Once When I was 10 and 1/2, I went to the library and discovered the Biology
and Anatomy reference section. There, to my surprise, were books with
pictures of naked men and women and scientific information about their
private parts. I remember that I was fascinated with the chapter on male
anatomy. There was one particular picture of a young boy completely naked
with images of him from age 6-21. I was amazed at what happened to him over
15 years of time.
At first he had a little nub between his legs and by the age of 13 it had
doubled in size and had a dark bush of hair framing it. By the time he was
18 he was real tall muscular, his penis looked about as big as 2 "D" sized
batteries and had big dark colored testicles and more body hair. I didn't
know what to do, I had the strangest feeling come over me, I read further.
The caption under the picture was "Male Sexual Reproduction and Maturity" I
looked down at myself and finally realized what was going to happen to me
very soon.
As I read on I found a paragraph about penis size. It stated that "The
average man's penis is between 5" and 6" in length". That's when I started
to think... how big was I?... how big is 6". I put the book back on the
shelf, not even noticing my rock hard dick pushing my shorts out, and
hurried my mom to get back home.
Once I got back home I ran to the tool box and got out a tape measure and
dashed to my bathroom. I had played with my dick a lot before and I had
buddies that I regularly fooled around with... we just thought it was just a
part of being friends, but this time I was shaking. I was still hard , and
the image of that cute guy in all his glory was making me breath very hard
as I held the tape measure up to my dick which was pointing at my face. As I
forced my hard dick next to the numbers in order to get an accurate reading
I whispered "five and a half inches". I thought.. well, I am average.
Remember, I was not 11 yet and had no pubic hair. Five and a half inches is
average yes, average for a MAN! Took many years for me to finally realize
As I grew older and my dick got bigger I tried to compare my progress with
the guy in the book. The friends that I used to fool around with moved away
and I didn't see another guys equipment until I turned 13.

His name was Lance McCormick, he was a couple of months younger than me
almost 13 and very very cute. He had brown hair, blue eyes and was a swimmer
like me. He lived in the country and I only knew him for a week. But during
that week week I learned a awful lot about what my growing body can do as
well as what Lance liked doing with it.

We took a hike into the woods with his dogs one hot summer morning and
started talking about how our bodies were changing. Being from a remote
area, Lance didn't have many friends his age. He didn't know what the term
"Faggot" was and he was very excited to hang out with me. I knew I wanted to
see him naked and compare myself to him but didn't know how to go about it.
I was very persistent about keeping the topic on our bodies by asking him if
he had armpit hair and hair "down-there". He giggled and turned red in the
face as raised his arm up to show me that he had a "little". I was about to
to ask him about other locations where hair might be growing when I glanced
at his jeans and saw a long raised area in his crotch veering up under where
his pocket was. He then said "now you show me"!
My dick filled with blood as he came closer to see the hair under my arm. I
directed my eyes down towards my crotch and told him that I also had some
growing there. I also went a bit farther and told him that my dick was
getting real big too. Lance asked about how much hair I had. He then bet me
that he had more hair down there than me and insisted that his dick was
bigger. I went silent, here I was in front of this adorable 12 1/2 year old
farm boy with what looked like a jumbo hotdog stuffed in his pants. I went
for my zipper and his eyes grew wider and his mouth started to fall open, as
I started to pull at my pants button he grabbed my hand and placed it on the
raised area of his jeans. He said "see I am getting huge!, Just like my
brothers!" He was big... felt a lot like how mine feels when it's locked up
in Levi's. I proceeded to rub it up and down as I agreed with what he was
saying. Lance then pulled down my zipper and demanded to see my new hair. My
head was spinning as I unzipped his pants almost in sync with him unzipping
mine. Lance repeated that his dick was hard, hairy and huge and I was about
to have it proven to me. He picked up the pace and grabbed my nuts and
stroked my denim covered boner with his free hand and then yanked down the
top of my pants and underwear and completely unzipping me. "It" was out.
Holy Shit, you're fucking huge", You have a Man-sized dick, Shaun"!!!
I'll never forget those words, I have heard them time and time again but
from different guys.

By the time I knew what was going on, I had Lance's beautiful thick dick in
my hands yanking it up and down and wiggling his low hanging balls to and
fro. He said... "what is that like 7 inches?" I said "yeah, I guess. Haven't
measured it since I was eleven". Remember I thought I was average and Lance
looked just like the guy at 13 in that book. His was smaller than mine just
as thick and it looked a lot like my dick. He asked if I would want to suck
him if he sucked me. I look back now and I remember that I had some really
strange urges when he said that. For instance, I wanted to push him down and
shove all of what I had in his mouth just to show him that I won the "Size
Contest". I also wanted to bury my face in his hairy crotch and suck on his
balls which was something that I thought was gross at the time.
It's weird how you achieve a desire for things as you get more experienced.

I was ready for anything at this point so I said "yeah, I'll suck you if you
suck me". With that Lance removed his jeans and knelt down in front of my
crotch and placed his tongue onto the top of my dick. I think that he had
sucked a younger friends dick before but hadn't gotten a taste for cock at
this point in his life. He then grabbed the root of my dick in his left and
and cupped my smooth balls in his right and placed his entire mouth on my
dick. He went up and down about 5-6 times and took it out and as he licked
the head on removal, he made this low growl and squeezed the root my shaft
so that the veins popped out and made it turn red. This was so intense, the
look on his face, like he was about to bite a huge sausage but his lips were
curled up and the size of my dick dwarfed the size of his pre-pubescent
hand. He said "so fucking huge" That look is like gay porn stars get when
they are overcome with what I call "Sucking desire" Then he jumped up pulled
off my shirt and then his and I removed my pants as he asked for me to do my

As we stood completely naked in the woods, our boners pointing up at each
other, I knelt down to sample my first hairy boy-cock.

I had only sucked one other dick before when I was 12. It wasn't that great
and I was able to lick the head of mine on a weekly basis slurping up my own
cum, but Lance's dick was so smooth, thick and I distinctively remember how
his pubic hair curled into bunches around his scrotum and crotch. I was
overcome with the musky smell of his genitals and closed my eyes as I began
to put my drooling mouth on his rigid dick. He instantly moaned which made
me look up and I noticed Lance looking at me with that same pursed lip look.
I told him not to watch, i guess I was embarrassed. I gave him the same
amount of sucks as he did me and he told me to stop. So I did. Which to this
day I regret!
This wasn't all, he started to gather our clothes and told me to follow him
further into the woods because he was afraid that we could get caught. We
walked about 300 yards into the thicker foliage and he threw down the
clothes to one side. Lance then turned his back to me and spread his legs
apart and stood on either side of a very small gully or dried up stream. He
said, "Do you like my ass? ... I like playing with my ass". I had never been
this far before, those friends that I had when I was 9, tried to get me to
put my dick in their butts in the neighborhood pool boy's room with out
success. And we ended up rubbing our boners in each others asscheeks till it
"felt ticklish" (orgasm).

I told him that he had a cute ass and that I liked his tan line. Lance
started to rub his smooth ass and dick as well as his sides and chest. He
spread his china-white asscheeks and started to widen his straddle of the
gully. He bent forward exposing his hole to me which was completely
hairless, made it pucker in and out as his dick bounced up an down then he
quietly said "Butt-Fuck me". I gasped "What!" "Shaun, please butt fuck me!"
He was more demanding this time, "I wanna feel your huge man-sized dick up
my butt, Shaun..it is so fucking huge!, see if you can shove it in"!

Now, I am from upper suburbia and thought that I had heard a lot of people
talk filthy but Lance was saying things that freaked me out. I mean after
all, here is this 12 year old country bumpkin boy bent over in the woods
demanding that I shove my dick up "Inside" of his ass while cussing like a
sailor. I guess this was the first guy that I knew that was as horny as
me... it made me feel a lot better about myself. I wanted to "do" Lance
because he was wailing at his dick and rubbing his body and shaking
uncontrollably, not to mention he was breathing like he just ran 2 miles.

I moved towards his ass trying not to think about what an ass was physically
designed for, having trouble comprehending the action of putting such a
thick along and hard dick like mine into such a little hole. But he reached
around and grabbed my waist and pulled me into his asscheecks. I still
remember the feeling of his completely smooth and very firm asscheeks. I
reached around and placed my hand and arm against his now sweating abs and
chest and started to mount his grinding ass. I think he said "butt fuck me"
well over 20 times. My head was really spinning and for the first time I had
huge amounts pre-cum spilling out of the slit of my mushroome headed cock, I
thought that was something wrong but it felt incredible when I smeared the
clear boy-lube on his anus. Lance then stood totally still and slowed down
his breathing and masturbating. "That is making me want to come Shaun" he
whispered to me. I almost lost it then and there. I pushed the head of my
dick into Lances' hole. It felt like I was fucking his belly button because
my monster wasn't going anywhere. His ass was the fucking tightest thing
that I had ever tried to permeate with my dick in my young 13 years. Lance
That's when I sorta forgot what happened... I do remember my dick finally
enter his hole and he screamed and growled. I thought I hurt him so I
immediately pulled it back out real fast...Big mistake.... I slid it between
Lance's rock hard buttcheeks back and forth about 5 times with the slick
juices from his butt as he started to quake. Then all of a sudden I shot...
This is no joke, I shot up over his back, passed his head and it landed
about 4 feet in front of him. I felt like I was in a dream, all I could see
was his gyrating ass, arched back, shaking head and about 4 more shots of my
sperm swooping up into his hair and neck. He freaked, he through his head
back smearing the fresh load I shot all over my chest and stood real still
and shot almost the same amount as I had just spent. I could see it from
behind him, going into several different directions onto the dead leaves and
vines around him. Then it hit... and I mean hit... he started to shake so
much that he lost his balance and fell to one side of the gully, his body
lurching like he had just received 40,000 volts, grasping his still hard
dick. The look on Lance's face was priceless, it was if he had died and gone
to heaven. I had never seen a boy do the things that Lance did. He just laid
there, naked in the leaves panting and slowly rubbing the leaking come all
over his torso. I once heard that when people have an orgasm that they
become partially deaf for a few moments. I think this is true because
Lance's dogs came out of nowhere rushing towards us. I think either one of
us might have been loud during our little romp in the woods.

Lance finally stood up and said, "please don't tell my mom or brother about
what we did. I won't tell on you". Back then that was the justification for
having queer sex. The emotions associated with an orgasm can sometime be
confused with guilt. And boys are not supposed to fuck one another. I agreed
not to say anything to anyone. I told him that he had amazed me with his
actions. He just said, "you're dick is amazing, Shaun, I want to measure

We didn't say much of anything as we hiked back to our houses, except that
we were hungry and that we might be able to go swimming at the university
pool the next day. As we approached Lance's house his mother came out and
said that she would have some tuna sandwiches for us to eat in about 15
minutes. We were famished thanked her. We then passed one of Lance's older
brothers and a friend of his working on a car. I don't remember his name, he
was about 16-17 and had hair on his arms and legs which I thought was very
interesting considering Lance was so smooth. His brother gave us the
strangest look like "I know what you have been doing". I wonder to this day
now that I know how people think and identifying their body actions that
maybe his brother knew that Lance was notorious for fooling around in the
woods. Or that he himself had fooled around... I mean when your in the
boonies... and your horny, anything with a hole can get your rocks off.

We went back into Lance's bedroom which was plastered with KISS posters as
we waited for his mom to finish lunch and he closed the door. Lance was
crazy about Gene Simmons and the length of his tongue. He went to his desk
and pulled out a tape measure we said nothing, he then started to rub my
crotch with his hand and said "make that sausage grow so I can make a record
of it". Of course I giggled but that did not inhibit my rod from jumping to
the occasion again, especially with the recent actions in the woods still
fresh in my mind.
Once again I found this cute boy unzipping my pants with that same hungry
look in his eyes. Lance pulled my jeans down just over my hips and there is
was again. Pointing right as his face he rolled out the paper tape and
grabbed the bottom of my dick with one hand and the beginning of the numbers
in my pubes. He slowly rolled the paper tape up my arched cock and gasped
"seven and a half fucking rock hard inches dude". Then he pushed my dick
against my belly and measured from the inside of my ballsac... just where
the hard shaft starts. "8! and a quarter" "FUCK!" "your dick is longer that
Gene Simonns tongue" I laughed and pulled up my pants as he whipped out his
boner and told me to measure him. I immediately reciprocated and rolled out
to 6" on the top and almost 7 from underneath. But Lance's dick was a bit
thicker than mine. Because of that I thought it was a good size. At least it
was when it was in my mouth.
His mom yelled from downstairs and we went and got our food.

Lance and I did fool around one night at the house I was staying at, but it
wasn't as hot as what happened in the woods. I wanted to beat off with him
again and maybe suck each other off, but he had injured his dick. I don't
know if it was from the time in the woods or if he was going at it on his
own fantasising about what we did. He had several blisters on his shaft and
head from jerking off so hard. He was afraid to do anything else with it. He
was also afraid about the amount of sperm that he had shot. He said that he
better leave it alone or he might do something grave to the sex part of his
body. Lance was pretty knowledgeable about male genitals, he said "it takes
about 18 hours for the average guy to reproduce sperm: I tended to agree
with him. He then said, "Shaun, with a peter like that, you probably only
need 2 hours!" we both broke out into laughter and wrestled around for a

The next day my mom had to come and pick me up from my week in the country.
As we got into the car, she asked if I had fun and if I made friends while I
was here. I said yeah, Lance is my age and he lives next door. We started to
pull away and Lance came out from the bushes that separated the two houses
and started to wave goodbye, I couldn't look at him, I was overcome with
guilt. My mom said "is that Lance wavin' at you?".
I said "yeah that's him" and I nodded at him sheepishly from the car window.
Then my mom said "He is really a cute boy". I imploded. In my mind I agreed
with her over and over again, but I couldn't tell anyone until now.
I never saw Lance again. My sister was living in the house next to him and
she said that he asked about how I was. and said that he was getting taller
now and was getting really handsome. He was, for a 13 year old, he could
have been a boy - model.
This story is completely true, his name is really Lance McCormick and I
haven't seen him in since that week in the summer. He is from Southern

Many years have passed and I have told parts of this story to a few guys and
friends on the Internet, but never in this detail. It was an amazing part of
my sexual maturation. I still fantasize about Lance and how he was obsessed
with my size. I don't know if he turned out gay like me... he certainly had
a head start on me in the sex department. A lot of boys mess around and even
fuck each other and not turn out to be gay. From age 9-18, I fooled around
with over 30 boys including 7 cousins which were around my age. My cousins
all got married and I only know a little bit about some of the other boys
that were sex fiends in their adolescence. All of which are married to