Things just aren't turning out right for me this week. Stuck in

New York for a convention that my boss has made me attend (against my will,

no least) I'm surely not a happy camper. To add to the negative attitude

of just having to be here, getting here just had to be the pits. Here I am

on 121st street, lost and being followed by 3 Hispanic guys. I can feel

the tension and fear rising. How am I going to get out of this mess.

Let me start from the top. John (my boss), suggested that to

improve our sagging sales, someone should travel to New York and attend

their fashinon convention and bring back a new line of clothes. I got

elected. No volunteering, just elected (negative aspect number 1).

My plane was scheduled to leave in 1 hour (luckily I keep a packed

suitcase for these unexpect occassions) and I had to get to Hartsfield

Airport from Alpharetta. That in itself was a joke. A speeding ticket

later, I had missed my plane by 10 minutes. My regards for on-duty cops

will surely improve with time I hope. Needless to say, I managed to book

the next available flight out on stand-by. I really should have just waited

for the next flight because this one was a real doozy. We hit a really

bad storm. I don't think that the time that I rode The Screaming Eagle

six times in a row could come anywhere close as that ride. People were

standing in lines waiting to get into the bathrooms. Including the Flight

attendants. I wasn't the only one kissing the ground when I got off the

plane. The pilots were there too.

The hotel isn't that bad though. Not if you don't mind newlyweds

on both sides of your room that get the urge every 15 seconds, throughout

the whole night.

The three guys behind me are gaining ground. They have picked up

their pace from a quick walk to a run to catch-up with me. I have long

since given up the idea of walking and had broken out into a full fledge

run. I can tell that I am no match for these guys. They are younger and

much faster than I. I turn down what I think is a side street only to

find that its a dead end alley. I am cornered and fear the worst.

They stand there laughing, and jeering at me. I can see no way

around them. The one they call Rico takes a step closer to me and

teasingly stab out at me with his hand. I jump from fright, but refuse to

let them see the total fear that I feel.

"What do you want from me!", I yell, "Here!", I hand them my wallet.

"Take my money if that's what you want, and I'll give you my watch too!"

"We dona wan jo watch maaan!", sneers Rico, "We wanna jo ASSSS! Ju

be a hot lookin' dude that looka like ju can give my DIICK a good whorkin'


Real terror fills my eyes. Rico wasn't short and he wasn't tall.

I could see through his clothes that he is a solid guy with muscles that

strains through his tight fitting clothes. Unconciously, my eyes

instinctively lock in on his crotch. Through his tight fitting jeans,I

I can see that he is no small packer. The bulge snaked thickly down his

legs and tapered into a menacing point. I gasp in shock and begin babbling

uncontrollably begging them to let me go.

The other two guys just stand there laughing and egging Rico on.

Though Rico has no weapon, the other two have switchblades extended and

they are pointed in my direction. They aren't going to let me by. Not

without some bloodshed. I know my odds, and I'm not going to gamble with

them either.

Jesse and Carlos are a little taller than Rico, but they are also

equally built. The bulges in their pants don't make light of Rico's own.

I begin to whimper and plead for them to not do this.

"Cova him!", shouts Rico to his companions, "I'm gonna unlock the


What an idiot I am! I ran right into their trap. Just to the right

of me is a door to a warehouse that Rico walks over to.

"We gonna 'ave some fun wif ju", laughs Rico, "When we get done wif

ju, ju will be beggin' fo' more".

Carlos is the best looking of the group. He has a thick, dark

moustache and a 3 days growth of beard stubbble. His dark pearcing eyes

are enough to make anyone throw themself at him. A thick mat of dark,

curly, chest hair flow over his partially exposed chest. He grabs me and

shoves me through the open door into the large, dimly lit warehouse. It is

filled with boxes and a few chairs. On the floor is a well worn mattress

that must have been used by more than one of their unsuspecting recipients.

Jesse closes the door behind us and locks it. He takes a stand to

the right of me and begins rubbing the growing bulge of his crotch. "Dis

is so hungry to fill jo asss man, but Rico gets 'is first. He godda open

ju up good for me. I dona wanna split ju open and dey not 'ave any fun."

He moves closer to me and begins rubbing his crotch against my ass. The

others laugh and grind their hips. I am helpless and can do nothing to


Rico walks over to one of the carton and produces a can of lubricant

which I am more than positive that he plans to use on me. As he walks

towards me, he begins to undo the snaps that holds his pants together. He

stops in front of me and unbuttons his shirt. "Gid on jo knees man. I wan

ju to suck me hard". My eyes widen with amazement. You mean that thing is

going to get bigger! It must have been at least 6 inches soft, and as

thick as a polish sausage. Carlos pushes me to my knees as Rico unzips

his pants. He exposes a thick, brown, uncut cock, dripping with pre-cum

waiting to invade my mouth. My own dick begins to swell from arousal. I

am now a little less afraid and a lot more willing to accept what is to

come. "Look ada 'im! 'Dis dude is gedding 'ard!" I cannot conceal what

my mind is desiring.

With one hand on my head and the other on his fat meat, Rico begins to

beat my face with his meat and rub it over my mouth. "Open jo mouth and

sucka dis baby!" I do as I am told. I open my mouth as wide as I can, but

he is so large that I have trouble taking him in. I drool uncontrollably

as he forces more and more of it into my widely stretched mouth. He

begins to thrust his hips and fuck my face with such force that I think

that my mouth will split. I can feel the head of his cock striking the

back of my throat and gag and sputter. He holds my head tight against his

groin, not moving, which begins to cut off the airflow to my body. I can

feel it swelling and stretching my mouth beyond belief. My jaw aches.

I can hear Carlos and Jesse moving behind me, but cannot see them. My face

and nose is buried in the musky, thick, curly growth of pubic hair of

Rico's crotch. Between breaths I can smell his strong manly odor

permeating the room. He lifts one of his bare arms and sniffs at the thick

growth of hair under his arm. "Smell 'dis man? Ids da smell of a real


As I continue to struggle to satisfy this man, I can feel Carlos and

Jesse half ripping, half removing my own clothes. I am stripped naked

including my shoes. I soon feel a lubed finger probing at my asshole.

I tense from the sudden intrusion which makes the penetration slightly

painful. I try, but cannot, cry out in pain. The probing is merciless

in its pursuit of deep penetration. I can feel his knuckles pressed tight

against my ass and it is slowly withdrawn to be replaced by two then three

more fingers. Out of the corner of my eyes I can see Jesse's head

lowering to my own fully erect cock. He engulfs my entire 7 inches to

the hilt. My head begins to swim.

The fingers that were fucking my ass are withdrawn and for a while I

am left with an empty feeling in my ass. But it isn't for long. I

suddenly feel something much larger pressing hard against my stretched

asshole trying to gain entry. I shut my eyes tightly from the pain. The

head of his cock must be enormous. He slowly, but forcefully slides in

with a pop. This time I do manage to scream. Rico again thrusts his

cock deep into my mouth silencing my only scream. This time, he manages

to shove all 9 1/2 inches of that thick meat down into my throat. I try

to beat him with my arms. This only angers him as he grabs my arms and

hold them tightly behind him. If that wasn't enough, I can feel the

monster cock sliding deeper into my rectum, stretching it painfully.

Tears begin to fill my eyes as I am being invaded from both ends. Carlos'

dick must also have been tapered because it got thicker, and stretched me

more with every inch that slid in. I felt its head deep in my ass

forcing its way deeper. He struck a point where my insides must have

curved, but he didn't stop. He slowly slid all 10 inches of his cock in

to the hilt and held it there for a few more seconds. I could feel his

thick pubic hairs scratching my parted cheeks. He was in, it hurt, but

he was feeling good. He slowly began withdrawing his cock until only the

head of it was still inside of me. The withdrawl was as equally painful.

Rico eased his grip on my head and I quickly inhaled lungs full of

air. He began a rhythmic fucking of my mouth in sync with Carlos' slow

but deep fuck. The pain subsided and was quickly replaced with pleasure.

I actually found myself pushing back to meet each of his thrust. I had

never been filled at both ends like this before. It was wonderful and I

didn't want it to stop. Carlos begins to fuck me faster and harder and

with each thrust impales my mouth deep on Rico's cock. Jesse is sucking

and licking my cock to the point where I think that I might shoot my load

so hard that if his mouth is on it, I will surely put a hole in the back

of his neck. He feels my climax mounting and temporarily stops. I am

brought to the brink, but never over it. He moves to my nipples and nips

at them sharply. My body twitches from this sudden surprise.

Suddenly, Carlos ceases his pounding of my ass and withdraws

completely. I'm sure that my ass is stretched beyond recognition as I

feel this sudden emptiness. Jesse moves away and stands next to Rico

ready to take his place in the assault of my mouth. "Don't worry", he

says, "Ju'll soon feel my dick uppa jo ass". Rico withdraws completely

from my mouth and I cease this opportunity to relax my jaw. This must

have gone on for at least 15 minutes and mouth really needed the break.

But it was only for 15 seconds at the most as Carlos began shoving his

much bigger dick into my mouth. I thought that Rico was big, but he

was nothing compared to Jesse. His 11 inches was just as thick if not

thicker. No matter how much Jesse tried to force his big dick into my

mouth, he still could not manage to get it all the way in without a few

teeth scraping it. He settled for fucking me with as much of it as he

could get in. Carlos stood next to him and began spurting cum onto my

face. I could at last see the massive size of his cock that had been

pounding in my ass.

The emptiness in my ass was again filled with the intrusion of Rico's

cock. The stretching that Carlos had given it made for an easier entry

of his cock. It didn't matter to him though. He was content with

fucking my looser, but still tight asshole. "Dis man is still tight even

afta ju fucked him Carlos", he says. "It feels so good and tight!"

Rico wasted no time with slow fucking, he rammed my ass harder and faster

with each of his thrust.

Carlos lowered his head to my cock and picked up where Jesse had

left off. At least my own cock was being satisfied out of this ordeal.

Even if I don't get to fuck one of these hot dudes. But lo to my surprise

I am going to get to fuck one. Carlos. He slid a rubber over my

throbbing cock (my mind was put at ease on this one. I could see the

discarded rubber that he had used when he fucked my ass), and put a glob

of lubricant on it. He worked the lubricant over the entire length of my

cock and put some in his ass. Jesse stopped fucking my mouth long enough

to let Carlos slide under me. With one hand, Carlos guided my cock to

his puckered asshole and slid the whole length deep into himself. He

stayed motionless for a few seconds and slowly began fucking my cock.

Jesse stood to the side of us and directed his cock back at my open and

willing mouth. He alternated between my mouth and Carlos'. Suddenly,

Rico reached around me and grabbed Carlos' hips and pulled him tightly

against my cock as he buried his own cock deep. I could feel him

tense behind me with what surely had to be him cumming in my ass (with

the rubber still intact I hoped). With no regards to me, he quickly

jerked his full length out of my ass with a pop. I shot my load right

then and there. Boy, I hope those rubbers are strong. Otherwise, I'm

sure that I split mine in two.

Jesse walked over to me and smiled. "Now 'dis is the moment that I've

been waiting for". Carlos knew that I had shot my load, but he didn't

attempt to move off of my cock. Rico walked over towards one of the

boxes and sat on it. His cock was growing limp but still showed an

impressive side as it rested on his left leg. I watched as Jesse got a

rubber and struggled to roll it down over his big dick. He managed to

get it over 3/4 of his cock and applied some lubricant to it. He made

me get up and walk over towards one of the boxes to bend over. Carlos

just rolled over on the mattress and layed there watching. I bent over

the box as instructed as Jesse stepped between my legs with dick in hands.

He rubbed the head of his cock over my hole before slowly forcing it into

my hole. Though Rico and Carlos had had their turns of my ass, I was still

not stretched enough to accommodate Jesse's. As when Rico forced himself

into me, Jesse began causing pain as the head gained entry. I cried out.

Slowly, Jesse forced his way into my ass. Pushing in an inch, then

pulling out half an inch until he succeeded in shoving all 11 inches deep

into my ass. The pain went away quicker this time as I experienced the

thrill and pleasure of being fucked by a thick 11 inch cock. I got hard

again and began stroking it feverishly. He didn't fuck me as long as Rico

or Carlos had, but it was long enough to make me send a stream of cum

shooting 5 feet into the air. He pulled his cock out of me, removed the

rubber and shot a stream of come on, and over my back into my hair. "Aww,

look, I got some cum in your hair". At this point I didn't care. I am

totally drained, filled, and pleasured. All fears and inhibitions are


"Well man, since we've got what we wanted, we're gonna let you go",

shouted Rico, "But if you tell the police what 'appened 'ere, we'll find

ju and kill ju! I got jo address outta jo wallet."

"Call the police?", I replied, "Hell! I would like to come back here

again! This has been the best experience that I've ever had!"

Rico and the others laughed. "I told ju ju would", laughed Rico.

"We have quite a few regulars that keep comming back."

Needless to say, when I get back to Atlanta, I've gotta thank my

boss for sending me on this trip. I'm going to try to get all of the trips

to New York and find this particular part of town every time,