JOYCE...Visits With Dark Men

Joyce, my 30 year old wife, always had a great ass. Firmly
rounded, extremely hard from her daily workouts, just right in
size to fill a man's hands. So I wasn't surprised when one of my
guys started rubbing his hands all over her rear at the party I
was holding at my house for the best players on the soccer team I

Joyce, a Scandinavian blonde of 6'1" and huge breasts, is standing
in a corner of the living room at our house, speaking to another
player when the rubbing started. "He's gonna get smacked," I'm
thinking. Five minutes or so into watching the player on the team,
Sam, 22, feeling up my wife's ass, I realize, however, that if she
was going to make some kind of a protest against the hands sliding
slowly up and down her mini-skirt-covered ass, it should have
occurred by then. Instead, she just keeps talking to that other
player who was standing right in front of her, listening to her
words intently, he seems. Ignoring the hands roaming over her ass,
touching her legs--both she and the man listening to her. I'm
certain that listener sees the hands on Joyce's ass too; couldn't
miss it. He acts, however, like the caressing of my wife's ass by
his teammate is so natural as to not even require a token look of
concern or questioning on his part.

Joyce, for thirty, is a striking woman. In a mini-skirt, she's the
kind of woman who men first notice in a crowded room: thin, very
long and creamy-colored legs, flat belly, 38 inch hips, 27 inch
waist, 43 inches around the top; shoulder length blonde hair with
waves in it; sharply-chiseled Swedish features. I'd always found
her manner of touching, brushing herself across her breasts--right
where her nipples are--while engaged in conversation with others
to be so sensual as to cause an erection even if she was just
explaining a recipe at the time. When seated and involved in a
deep conversation with a man, she'd also often let one of her
hands slide ever so slowly up, down her leg. She did this in order
to draw attention to her sexuality, I understood; the
self-caressing of legs meant to harden a man enough that she could
see the excitement in his pants. She was just that kind of
self-assured sensuality. She preferred wearing a mini when in
public so males in the area could see her pubic hair when she was
seated, she never wearing underwear. And always spreading her legs
as far as the tight mini she would be wearing would allow when
sitting in that seat. She enjoyed a roomful of hard cocks, she
would explain to me. "I won't even talk to a man," she would
always say to me, "unless I can see a bulge in his pants."

Joyce had always brushed off the men's frequent sexual suggestions
or actions in the past however. She never had sex with anyone but
me in the six years we'd been married, as far as I knew or she
said, anyway. "Perhaps I should come to her rescue," I think,
still looking at the very dark hands now caressing my wife's ass.
But, I see her back the dark-man-with-caressing-hands into a
corner, her ass now visibly moving sideways in slow motion, tight
against his huge bulge. The man, Joe, 21, talking to her, also a
dark man and top player on the team, moves closer too. And I can
see Joyce put her hand in his pocket, slide it towards the front
of his pants. I see the sliding ass of my wife against the front
of the very dark man; the pocket billiards with the
slightly-less-dark-complexioned man go on for over 10 minutes
before realizing I am making no attempt to stop or even expose the
play between the three of them.

I just sit here, watching from my chair, which is only about 20
feet from the three of them. I notice, though, that my own cock is
pushing against my pants enough to form a small tent. I welcome,
for some bizarre reason, their attentions to my wife. Joyce
glances at me. She couldn't miss the sight of my bulge. She smiles
at me, continued her actions with the two well-built athletes. I
sit. And watch. For another 10 minutes. I'm frozen. Joyce knows,
by now, that there will be no protest from me for whatever she
does from now on. She comes over to me, the two men following. She
says that the four of us should go upstairs. I obey, in a trance,
following behind the two men, my wife leading the way. She had
read my excitement through that bulge in my pants and affirmed
that I would make a great audience for her coming planned event
with the two men.

In the bedroom, she says to me, "I'd like you to slowly undress
me, but not touch my body in any way. I want you to enjoy seeing
these men fuck me but I don't want you to join in in any way.
"Okay?" she asks me. "Yes," my simple reply. That she wants only
their hands, their cocks, their cum, their sweat on/in her at this
event makes the scene even more sensual to me. I had become, in a
few short minutes, her slave for life. I began removing her
clothes, being very careful not to touch her skin. I carefully
grasp the pullover she's wearing, sliding it slowly over her head.
I unbuckle her bra, let it fall to the floor, exposing her
pointed, huge breasts for the two men standing by the bedroom door
to enjoy. Next comes the mini. I have to be very careful here, it
being so tight on her. I begin by pinching the outside upper
portion of the skirt, then, after getting a better hold on it with
both hands, slowly roll it down over her waist. I get down on my
knees, pull it down to the floor. While on my knees, I take off
her shoes. She's naked now. And I had not touched her body at any
time, I think proudly. I notice the two dark men are also naked,
both with extremely large cocks at full staff. I sit in a chair
just two-three feet from the action, wanting to see her getting
fucked close-up.

Sam, the darker and shorter of the two, takes the few strides
necessary to reach my wife. Embraces her. The two of them licking
each other's tongues, sliding against each other. Rubbing. Him
holding on to her ass with both hands, she rubbing his ass with
her hands. Sweat now building up on their backs, slowly rolling
down their legs. "Over here," she says to Sam. She walks over to a
small dresser, puts her right leg up on it, her left leg spread
out and firmly planted on the floor. Her cunt, wide open and
moist. Sam moves in, puts his 11 inch cock into my wife's pussy,
grabs her ass and begins his pumping. Joyce smiles at me but says
nothing. Sam's standing there, his legs together, fucking my wife.
She with one leg on that dresser, gets the full length of his cock
in her, starts moaning. He pumps faster. The bodies slapping
together, the dark cock going in and out of her at a speed only an
athlete could accomplish, goes on for about 20 minutes. Joyce's
cunt dripping moisture on the floor, moistening Sam's cock shinny
black. Every inch of him getting inside her with each thrust. Dark
hands on jutting huge white breasts, moving lower to small-of
back, finding their way again to the firm ass on Joyce, pulling
that ass forward with each thrust. "That huge cock vanishing up my
wife's cunt should reach her belly," I think to myself. "For such
a thin woman, how can she take so much cock?' Finally, Sam says
"I'm cumming now." Joyce takes her leg off the dresser, pulls Sam,
cock still inside her, over to the bed. "Shoot it deep inside me,"
she moans to Sam, now on top of her, the two of them in the
missionary position. He pumps faster. She folds both legs up, her
knees touching her breasts. Legs spread wide and bent, moisture
from her cunt wetting the sheet beneath her, she looks at me and
smiles, saying, "I knew you would enjoy this as much as me."

Sam grunts loudly. I can see cum on his cock now. He's still
driving into Joyce but each thrust shows more white cum on the
dark cock. White cum mixing with cunt moisture. With three rapid
thrusts, Sam finishes up. There is cum and cunt juice all over the
sheets now. Sam withdraws his cock, stands up, silently looks at
me. I go get his folded clothes from the closet, thank him for
allowing me to see him fucking my wife. He leaves the room.

Joe comes over to the bed, his cock inches from my wife's face.
She's rubbing the area around her cunt, mopping up the part of
Sam's cum that oozed out of her when he withdrew from her. She's
carefully rubbing it back into her cunt, her legs still bent
upwards. "Hate to waste any," she says to me as she licks her
fingers, fingers wet from her own moisture and the cum that sticks
to them. I don't know whether she's talking about her own tasty
juices or the cum or both, but don't ask. She sits up on the bed
now. She slides her right hand up and down Joe's slightly
lighter-in-color prick, her left hand still holding Sam's cum
inside her, Joyce starts sucking the cock in front of her. My
wife, sitting on our bed, sucking a man's cock, suddenly looks
beautiful to me. How could that be? I encourage her to do this
frequently. I can't help myself. I feel terror and lust
simultaneously!! She responds by taking the cock out of her mouth
just long enough to say to me, "five nights a week, from now on."
She resumes her sucking, then. I can't believe she's getting the
full 9 inches of Joe into her mouth. All of his cock vanishes into
her with each thrust. He shoving it into her mouth, she now
gripping both of his balls with one hand, running her fingers over
and into Sam's ass with the other. I notice cunt juice and white
cum now flowing out of her pussy again. I wonder what kind of huge
load Sam shot into her. It must have been a half-cup of cum, I
believe. More than any human male should be able to manage. Joe
doesn't last as long as Sam, though: About 10 minutes into the
oral sex, Joe is shooting load after load of cum into my wife's
mouth. Massive, inhuman amounts. The cum oozes from the corners of
her mouth, slowly rolls down her chin. The lipstick now worn from
her mouth, visible on the staff of Joe's cock, Joyce says to Joe,
"WAIT. Don't take it out yet." Joe, still hard, pauses from
withdrawing his cock from her mouth. Joyce squeezes the cock as
she pulls it from her mouth, getting every last drop of him into
her. "I SAID I don't like to waste it," she continues. Joyce now
notices Sam's cum leaking from her cunt, rolls on her back, legs
folding back, takes one finger of her right hand and slides the
cum back inside her cunt. She takes her other hand, wipes Joe's
cum from her mouth, licks the cum off her hand. Joe stokes his
cock. Puts it between her moist, welcoming breasts; fucks her that
way for another 15 minutes. Dark cock sliding between my wife's
breasts, she on her knees before him now; he standing. Joe makes a
moaning noise and begins shooting his load between, on her
breasts. Joyce looks at the cum on her tits, sliding down her
breasts. She's carefully spreading the cum all over each breast;
she wants Joe's cum to moisten each part of each breast. He's
still pumping the cum on her. He slides the tip of his cock across
her lips now, so she can get the last drops inside her. She licks
her lips, still sliding the cum over her breasts with her hands.

Joe says to me, "I need my clothes now." I get his clothes from
the closet, thank him, as I did Sam, for fucking my wife, letting
me having the privilege of watching. He smiles, says "See you
downstairs." I begin dressing Joyce. Not touching her skin, of
course. I put lined panties on her so Sam's cum will stay inside
her. I put a bra on her, right over the cum Joe shot all over her
tits. The cum seeps through the bra. She says to me, "I'll let you
watch each time. Mondays and Tuesdays, days Sam or Joe can't be
here to service me, you can fuck me. But the rest of the week my
body is off-limits to you. You can't even touch me on the days
they fuck me. OK?" "Yes," I say. "I think I may enjoy Wednesdays
through Sundays even more than those Mondays and Tuesdays," I hear
myself say. "I KNEW you would," she laughs. . We rejoin the party,
Joyce and me. My prick trying to punch a hole in my pants from
what I had just watched. Sam and Joe's girlfriends arrive a few
minutes after my wife and I rejoin the party. Joyce smiles at the
two women as they recognize her. She waves and walks over to the
group. I stand near enough to the four beautiful black people to
hear two women comment on the encounter that just took place
upstairs. "I guess I can spare you a few hours a week to fuck the
coach's wife," one of them says to Sam. "Just like a white woman,"
the other lady says to Joe, "wanting a black cock in her. Can't
blame her, though," she laughs. "Just don't let it interfere in
our lives."

The cum on Joyce's tits seeps through her bra, her blouse, now. I
can smell the aroma of the cum there in the crowded party. My
wife, smelling of other men's cum, the stickiness showing through
her blouse, mingles with the guests there. One of the women Joyce
is speaking to stares at the cum stain; Joyce says something to
her; the woman laughs, looks at Joe and Sam in the corner with
their girlfriends. "Hubby's been getting me a lot of that lately
too," she says. It's apparent the greened-eyed, fair-skinned
twenty-something woman has been getting fucked by dark men too,
her husband likely approving of the action and providing the black
organs for her satisfaction.

In bed that night, laying naked and next to me, Joyce begins
playing with her nipples, exciting them to fullness. She recalls
the fucking Sam and Joe gave her. She mentions how other guests
noticed the cum stain on her blouse, likely smelled the cum on her
breasts; tells me how the women enjoyed sharing her experience. "I
told the women at the party what happened," she says to me. "They
really liked IT, said to tell you what a great husband you are!"
Joyce, still playing with her tits, suggests I masturbate while I
watch her tit-playing. I stand beside the bed watching her
manipulate her tits with both hands. She squeezing her tits, me
jerking off. "Let me see you shoot a big load on the floor," she
says. I stoke faster, shoot clear across the room. I'll be doing
this much more often, now, I realize.

But it's Wednesday again. And I see, once more, the cum of Sam
oozing from my wife's pussy; Joe's cum in her mouth, which she now
opens wide for me each time Joe cums in it, that I can view the
massive amount of cum sliding down her throat. I realize there can
never be any other way, now. I MUST see those dark cocks in Joyce
at LEAST five days a week now. I NEED to see that cum dripping
from her huge breasts. I tell Joyce I'll give up Tuesdays if
she'll fuck Joe or Sam on Tuesdays, too. I'll be satisfied with
just Mondays, I say to her. Something burns inside me each day I
DON'T see those huge black cocks inside my wife. Three days later,
at a party Joyce was holding for her female friends, she
introduces me to Carl, a construction worker and also a dark man.
She invites Carl into the room with her girlfriends, unzips his
pants, takes out another 11 inch cock right there in front of the
25 Anglo females, parades him around the room by that cock, stops
in front of each woman present, so that each girlfriend can
personally inspect the cock. She introduces him to the women as
her Tuesday fuck. The women smile, feel the hardness of the organ
with their hands, make comments about it. All the women smile at
me too.... I know now that THEIR husbands are in the same category
as ME...

Soon, I realize, I must offer Joyce Mondays, as well. I will never
get to feel or fuck Joyce again at any time, then, I know... I
will go COMPLETELY mad, then, of course-never being able to feel
or fuck her again... But there can NEVER be any other way... I
stare at Joyce as she gets down on her knees in front of the 25
women and me and puts the new cock in her mouth... "You should
have Mondays, too," I hear myself say to the both of them. "Please
fuck my wife on Mondays, too, Carl." The ladies present smile
broadly their approval of my offer. I realize that dark cocks are
all that's allowed in their cunts now. The thought excites me like
no other. I begin to masturbate as I watch Carl have my wife. The
women present urge me to keep tempo with the dark cock going in
and out of my wife. "Stroke your cock in time with the fucking
your wife's getting," one of the ladies shouts to me. I ask Carl
again, "Please have sex with my wife on Mondays, too." Carl nods
his head yes as he's sliding his cock in and out of Joyce's mouth.
She looking at me with a blank face, takes the hard cock out of
her mouth, points the shiny, dark organ at me and says..."I KNEW
you'd like it"...