Yesterday I got to the gym a little later than usual. As I was walking tothe rack of dumbbells I saw a guy that I had never seen before. He was sogorgeous that I stopped dead in my tracks. He was seated at a bench doingpreacher curls with a lot of weight on the bar. I started walking again,watching his image in the mirror out of the corner of my eye. As I got tothe rack he slammed down the bar as he finished his set with a grunt andstood up, almost next to me. He was several inches taller than me andincredibly built. Even though his tee shirt was probably an extra-extralarge it was pulled tight across his broad chest and shoulders. Hismassive arms, pumped full of blood, stretched the fabric of the shirt ashe shook them to loosen the muscles up. He had dark brown curly hair anda thick, neatly trimmed beard that immediately made me think of him asHercules. At the neck of his shirt some tufts of dark chest hair pokedthrough. My only regret was that he was wearing baggy sweatpants so Icouldn't get a good view of what I was sure was a terrific ass and pair oflegs. He began to turn around and his gaze caught mine in the mirror. He had piercing brown eyes that made me take a quick breath in. It wasclear that I was looking at him, and he gave me a small nod when he turnedaround and was facing me directly. Then he walked past outside to thewater fountain. I picked up some dumbells and went to a nearby bench. I definitely wantedto get another look at this incredible hunk, but I had to be discreet,especially since he had already caught me looking at him. I was on myback doing flyes when out of the corner of my eye I noticed him walk backto his bench, add another plate on each side of the bar, and start hisset. I was done first and was treated to the sight of him heaving theweights up and lowering them slowly down. When he was done he got up andquickly walked over to the dumbbells. He picked up two 55 pounddumbbells, then sat down on a bench next to mine. He started doing seatedcurls, throwing the weights up like they weighed half as much. Luckily, itworked out that I was exercising while he rested, so I had plenty ofopportunity to watch as he did set after set of curls. He worked up to 65pound dumbbells for three sets, lifting the weight with what seemed to beincredible ease. His arms were fantastic! I started to imagine themflexing right in front of my face, tracing the thick vein across the bicepwith my tongue. I got up myself then to get a drink of water to cool down- my gym shorts were pretty tight and the hard on I was getting would beobvious in another second. I came back and loaded up the bar at the benchpress station. Lingeringwhere I had been would have been too obvious. Just as I was starting tolie back on the bench, I heard a deep voice rumble, "Do you want a spot?" I looked up and there he was, standing over me. "Sure," is all that Imanaged to get out. Thank God for those baggy sweats he was wearing. IfI had seen his cock dangling over my face, I would have dropped theweights!With his huge mass as inspiration, I forced out two more reps than Inormally would have done, as he urged me on, "It's all you, it's all you." "Thanks," I said when the weight was back."No problem," he replied. Then he smiled and said, "Maybe you can returnthe favor when I do triceps pushdowns." "You bet," I said, not believing my luck at having this muscle-packed guyinviting me to be close up as he was working out. For the next hour and a half we worked out, sometimes spotting each other,sometimes off at different corners of the gym. It was incredible what hecould do, he was so strong. I had never seen anyone like him at the gymbefore. His muscles exploded every time that he hefted the weightsaround. I'm no slouch in the workout department, but I was beginning toget exhausted. But then I would see this guy blasting away and I wouldget inspired to do more. And I didn't want to be the first to leave - Iwas starting to think that he was interested in more than just a spotter. In between sets we would chat a little about inconsequential things, untilfinally I got up the nerve to say, "By the way, my name's Bob." "I'mJim," he said and held out his bearpaw of a hand. His grip was firm as weshook, as masculine as I expected it to be. Finally he said, "I guess we've earned our right to relax a little for therest of the day." My heart started to race at the thought of going intothe locker room and showers with him. "Yeah, I've done my fair share," Ireplied. We walked downstairs to the locker room. It turned out that wehad lockers in different sections. "Now I'll get the reward of seeing hiscock," I thought. I got to the showers first and started to lather up. Where was he? Finally, he showed up with a towel wrapped around his waistand walked into the stall next to mine, not across from me as I hadprayed. I didn't see his cock, but I was nearly overcome by the sight ofhis enormous torso. As I suspected, his huge pecs were covered with manlyhair that made him look incredibly rugged. His abs were like a Greekstatue's and his broad shoulders showed the perfect separations of thedeltoids. I had to turn the cold water on full blast to keep from gettinga fully raging hard on.He showered quickly and dried off inside the stall, so again I wasthwarted from seeing his dick. Then he just walked by to his locker. Iwas crestfallen - maybe nothing was going to happen after all. I went toget dressed, wrapping my towel around my waist (something I never do)because my dick was still kind of hard. As I was stepping into my briefshe appeared, already dressed. I quickly pulled them up over my semierectcock, but he must have seen it, because he gave me a little smile. "Hey Bob, how about having a drink? You worked for it," he asked."Yeah, that would be great. Where do you want to go?" I asked. My heartwas definitely racing, but I still wasn't sure that Jim was gay."Well, you know I only recently moved here, and the only places I know ofare not so close to here."The places I would have suggested weren't so close either - the gay barswere in another part of town. Before I could respond though he said, "Myplace is right near here, and I've got some beer in the fridge. How aboutthat?"How about that! Thank God I got my pants on to keep my dick from stickingstraight out. "That sounds great," I said, and we headed out the door.As we walked to his apartment he talked about how he had just moved totown and only joined the gym a few days before. "You're no stranger togyms," I said. "You look like you should have your picture in abodybuilding magazine.""I have," he said, giving me a smile. "I won the state championship lastyear. Now I'm training for a regional contest in a few months. I want toget bigger by then, though. A training partner would help there."Bigger! I didn't dare suggest that I would be more than willing to helphim get bigger and stronger. At least it looked like I'd be seeing plentyof this stud at the gym.When we got to his place he waved at the sofa while he went into thekitchen. He came back with two bottles and passed me one. "Cheers," hesaid and clinked his bottle against mine. He gave me a look after takinga drink. "It looks like you like to work out too," he said. I work outregularly, but there was no way that I was near his league and I said so. "Just the way you were cranking out the sets, working your arms, I don'tknow if I could ever come close," I said."There's really no reason you couldn't have arms like these if you wantedthem," he said, and then he flexed. The peak of his biceps stretched histee shirt sleeve so tightly that it should have started splitting at theseam."Can I feel it?" I asked, needing another drink of beer to wet my throatthat had gone dry. "Yeah, I'm proud of these guns." He straightened and flexed again, thehuge biceps right in front of my face. I slowly started sliding my handover and around his mighty upper arm as he looked at me with a haughtykind of look. He knew that I was in awe of him and he was getting off onit. "Yeah, that's a huge arm," he said as I drew my face toward it. Istarted licking the veins across his biceps, just as I had dreamed aboutearlier at the gym. I had never felt anyone so hard before. He flexed afew more times and I started groaning. "If you like that so much, let's see what you think about this," he saidas he pushed me back a little. Then he reached down and pulled off hisshirt, revealing his deep furry chest. "Man, you are so hot," I said. "I could spend hours worshipping yourbody." "We've got the time," he said with a smile, and pulled my headdown between his pecs. I rubbed my face in his hairy chest, glad that Ihad this chance before he would have to shave it for his contest. I rubbedmy face all over the two mountains that were his pecs, finally putting myhot mouth over one of his big nipples. As I started tonguing and suckingit he started sighing. I wanted to give this Samson pleasure, almost morethan I wanted to get off myself.He pulled me up on top of himself and brought my face up to his. Then hestarted kissing me, his tongue darting around my mouth, all the time hissmoldering eyes looking into mine. I reached down and started unzippinghis pants, and he did the same to mine. "Nice cock," he said as he pulled my throbbing eight inch member from myunderwear. He bucked up a little so that I could pull his pants down. Finally I wasgoing to see his cock! It was poking out from his briefs as I pulled themdown. It was already larger and thicker than my own dick, and as Iwatched it continued stiffening, getting even bigger. "Worship me," he said. I ran my tongue around the huge head, licking offsome pre-cum that had started to drip out. I had the thick shaft in onehand, slowly stroking it while I started working his cock down my throat. As I started sucking him I watched fascinated as his stomach musclesrolled and tightened. He held my head between his hands and forced medown all the way on his fully engorged cock. He could have crushed myskull if he wanted to, I knew, from seeing him display his might in thegym. I gasped for air as he moved my head up and down his rigid tool."Oh yeah, you want that cock," he growled. "Yes, yes, let me have it, please," I begged.He smiled, then said, "Yeah, I'll let you have it. Wait right here."Then he abruptly got up and walked into the bedroom, leaving me to watchhis hard bubblebutt as he walked away. I heard him rifle through a drawerand then come back. His cock was like a firehose, studded with twistyveins, just like those in the mighty muscles of his shoulders and arms. He had a rubber and lubricant in one hand, and I started salivating when Irealized what was next. "Are you going to fuck me, musclegod?" I asked."You're going to get fucked so that you remember it forever," he said ashe tore open the rubber and started greasing up his huge pole while I laythere, mesmerized. Then he pulled me to the edge of the sofa so that my quivering hole wasbefore his thick hard on. "Oh God," I moaned as he started pushing itinto my tight ass. "You're my god," I said as he kept pushing it furtherand further into me.After he had pumped me a few times that devilish smile crossed his faceand he said, "Let's go for a little walk." With that he reached hisgigantic arms around behind my back and picked me up, while his cock wasstill fully up my ass. He carried me into the bedroom, looking me in theeye with that haughty grin on his face again. He was carrying my 170pound body like it was a small sack of groceries from the store! It hadan effect that we both wanted. "You are superman," I moaned. I had never been with anyone so strongbefore. He got off on it, seeing me completely in awe of him. He walkedover to a full length mirror on one wall. He stood slightly turned to it,so we could both watch as he slowly pulled my body away from his, exposingmore and more of his cock. Just before the head appeared, he startedpushing me back onto his enormous shaft. He started to thrust me up anddown on his cock, using his hips to shove it deep into my ass. I heldonto his upper arms, feeling the muscles in them bunch up as he had meriding his cock. The feeling in my ass was incredible as he rammed intome, banging against the prostate so that I thought I would come withouthaving to yank on my raging hard on. His huge chest was heaving now, buthe seemed unstoppable, as if he could fuck me all night. And I urged himto do it! "Fuck me strong man!" I cried out. I didn't know where to look- at the mirror to see his dick slamming into my ass, at his wideshoulders or chest, or at the rugged, handsome bearded face with thatsmile. "You are so powerful!" I screamed. And then I couldn't believe what hedid. He freed one arm so that he was supporting me only with his lefthand, and then flexed his right arm. The mighty biceps and triceps that Ihad been drooling over all day were flexing and bulging while he continuedto ram me furiously. I was hypnotized by the arm, watching the peakspring up when he flexed it. Then he grabbed my cock and started jerkingme off while he fucked me with even greater intensity. I was completelyin his power. There was no way I could have escaped, but of course Ididn't want to. He was in complete control as I felt my ass and ballstighten as I got ready to shoot. "Will you always worship me? Will you do what I command you to?" hesternly asked. The veins in his neck were bulging, and the striations inhis shoulders and chest were clear. Manly sweat had started to cover hisforehead and upper body."Yes, yes, yes, You are my gorgeous musclegod," I gasped as I looked himstraight in the face.With that I couldn't resist him any longer and I gave in to the spasmsthat were rising up from my balls. I shot my hot cum all over his chestwith such force that I'm sure it would have gone six feet if it wasn'tcaught in the mat covering his monstrous pecs. I kept shooting and he letout a deep groan as he rammed his cock deep inside me. I could feel thethrobs of his own cumming as the last of my spunk shot onto his abs. Withone final thrust he seemed to be spent and pulled me close to him to kissme deeply. He started walking to the bed as we kissed. He put me downand slowly pulled out. I just looked up at him, one arm caressing a treetrunk sized thigh. He looked down and smiled, then joined me on the bed,pulling me alongside of him. His body was so hard!We lay together, stroking and rubbing each other's bodies, nuzzling andkissing every now and then. "I told you that I need a training partnerfor the contest coming up. Think you're up to it?" I couldn't believeit! Working out with this stud every day was more than I ever dreamed of."I'm not in your Olympian league, though," I said. "Will I be able tohelp you enough?""You did fine today," he said. "And it makes me work that much harderknowing that someone's going to be getting off on my efforts. It worksboth ways - your body is going to get even better too." Then he put hisarms around me and held me so tightly that I thought my ribs would crack. "Besides, you said that you would do what I commanded. Imagineworshipping this every day!" and he flexed his huge arm again. "Oh, yeah strong man. I'll do whatever you say," I said as I put my handon the well-shaped muscle. My cock, which had been half hard for a whilequickly began to stiffen. I could feel Jim's cock was hard as well as herolled over on top of me. I could feel the hair of his chest brushlightly against mine. He slowly lowered himself on his thick arms so thatI felt the pressure of his tight chest muscles as he started to rub themup, down, and across mine. I reached around and ran my arms along theslabs of muscles that formed his broad back. His dick was between my legsnow, and he bent down even closer so that he ran his thick beard across myface and neck. His tongue was in my ear, then his hot mouth was workingon my neck as I kneaded the muscles in his back and shoulders. We exploredeach others bodies with our tongues and hands, rubbing against each otherin pleasure. There was a masuline scent in the air, a mixture of thespunk and sweat from our earlier hot fucking.Jim reached over to a night table and got some more lube and rubbers. Hetossed them toward me. "Now it's time for you to return the favor again,"he said as he turned around on all fours and stuck his ass out before mycock. Here was this stud offering his perfectly shaped glutes to me,inviting me to fuck him. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. Iknew that I could never match the ramming that he had given me, but I wasdetermined to give this humpy man as much pleasure as I could. I kneltbehind him and worked my big tool up his tight asshole as he grunted. Icould tell that he wasn't too used to being fucked. I lowered myself sothat my chest was rubbing across the wide span of his back as I began toslowly drive in and out of him. His grunts soon turned into moans,especially when I reached around and started working his taught nippleswith my fingers, milking them harder and harder.He stretched his neck around to try to face me and said, "How aboutanother show? Pull out a second." I didn't know what he had in mind, butI was sure it would make me wild. He got up and walked to the mirroragain and bent over a little. I jumped up to follow and crammed my cockstraight up his hole. Then he straightened up, gave me that haughty lookas he looked at me in the mirror, then struck a most muscular pose. Ifelt his butt muscles tighten as the rest of his body exploded into tightstriations. Then he seemed to brace himself as he brought both arms upfor a double biceps pose. I reached up to feel his arms. Because he hadbeen working them so much they still felt like boulders had been stuffedinside. I pulled up a little and was hanging off of his beefy arms, withmy cock still inside him. Now it was my turn to moan. I kept repeating"Powerful man, strong man, big man," over and over as I fucked him. Ithought about how he had said that he wanted to get bigger. How muchbigger would these arms get? 22 inches? 25 inches? I fantasized himgetting huger and huger as we worked out over time, until he was doingconcentration curls with the 140 pound dumbbells that I had never seenanyone at the gym touch. Arms as big around as my 30 inch waist bulgingas he just kept going and going. Doing benchpress of rep after rep with800 pounds on the bar, with me hanging onto it, screaming at him to domore to get his 75 inch chest even bigger. It made me think of theHercules movies I used to be fascinated by as a teenager. I pictured himwith his hands locked together, with a rope tied around each freakishlypumped upper arm. On each side ten guys from the gym were straining asthey pulled on the ropes, trying to pull his arms apart. They couldn'teven budge him, as he stood with that superior smirk on his face. I wouldbe kneeling in front of him, grovelling around his massive calves andthighs, honored that he would let me help him get stronger and be rewardedby wild sex.I came back to reality, a reality that was better than any fantasy I hadever had! I brought my feet back down to the floor and roamed his bodywith my greedy hands. I finally took his superdick in my hand and startedjerking him off as my other hand felt his tight, hard flesh. I timed mythrusts with my hand movements, so that it almost felt like I was jerkingmy own cock that was ramming through him. "Man, you know how to get meoff," he said, starting to breathe quickly. I knew then that he was goingto cum soon, so I really started pounding his butt. With a loud moan heshot a thick load of cum that splattered with a loud thwack against themirror five feet away. He shot load after load, and each time the musclesin his butt contracted so tightly it was like clamping my cock in a vise. How could he cum so much when we had just had sex a little while ago? Icouldn't hold onto my own load any longer and shot my hot spunk into him. Feeling his tight, writhing muscles under my hands made me cum again andagain. I pulled out and got down on my knees as in my fantasy, lickinghis calves, running my hands up and down his thighs, caressing hissoftening dick. He pulled me up, held me tight in his strong arms, andkissed me intensely. "If you worked out like you fucked, you would be apro in no time," he said. "We'll have to see that you do," he said. Iknew then that there would be many more hot scenes to come. "Let's take ashower and grab some dinner," he said. "And who knows what will happen ifyou stay the night?" I was already thinking of some possibilites as weheaded toward the bathroom.