It was 4 in the afternoon and I had just returned fromhigh school. I turned on the tv to watch reruns of chips. Bob, my older brother's best buddy dropped by to seehim. I told him that nobody else was home and my brotherwouldn't be home till about six, but he could wait if hewanted to. Bob was a senior, like my brother. They were botheighteen, two years older than me. He asked me to turnoff the tv so we could talk for a while. We chattedhe talked about his girlfriend and about working outhe said my brother told him my folks had bought me a setof barbells for my 16th birthday and he suggested we workout for a while. He asked me if he could borrow a pair ofshorts since he didn't want to get his clothes sweaty. We went into my bedroom and I pulled out of my bureaumy tightest pair of nylon running shorts and handed themto him. I was disappointed when he went into the bathroomto take a piss and came back wearing the shorts. I reallyhad wanted to watch him change into them. I finished changingand we went downstairs to the basement to work out.bob had a perfect body. I had watched him frow from105 pounds to 150 pounds of all muscle in the lastcouple of years. He had always been my idol and I wantedto have a body just like his.Bob had light brown hair and was a little over six feethis shoulders were huge and his his smoothm muscular pecstapered down to a thirty inch waistthe nylon shorts fit him like a glove and I could see hiscrotch bulging through. His tan legs were like twotree trunks. After five minutes of doing bench presses, Bob saidhe wanted to show me his favorite exercise for biceps.He stood in front of me with his arms straight down holdingthe barbells. He said for me to take hold of the rod sohe could do the work but I could help balance the barbellshe lifted the weights up to his pecs and lowered them againeach time he lowered them, the bar pressed against the bulgein his crotch. Then we changed places and he helped as Idid the exercise. Each time the bar came in contact withmy crotch I could feel my teen cock hardeningI hoped he wouldn't notice. I continued the exercise,lifting and lowering the rod with his help...pecs to cock.....pecs to cock. Then bob did another exercise and quicklydropped the barbells and began massaging his bicep.I asked him if he pulled a muscle and he said he had.I asked him if he wanted me to rub it for him. I was turned onwhen he said yes and asked if I had any alcohol.I told him there was some upstairs so, we went up to my room.I retrived the alcohol from the bathroom and returnedto my bedroom to find bob lying across my bed on his stomach. I climbed on the bed beside of him and began rubbingthe sore arm. I asked him if he'd like his back rubbed and, he said he wished I would massage it real good! I straddled him, sitting on his butt, as I massagedhis muscular back. I started at the shoulders and workedmy way down to the small of his back.I couldn't believe what was happening to me! My cockbecame hard as a rock in my trunks. It stuck straight out.I sure was glad he couldn't see it for there was no wayhe could have missed a bulge that big! I couldn't resist the urge to reach down and squeezemy cock through the shorts. The nylon covering made it feelhotter than ever. So, I squeezed it again and again whileI continued to massage him. Then I began rubbing hiscalves and working up to his hard thighs. Closer and closerI got to the leg holes of the shorts.Then he asked if I would do the front of his legs?As he turned over I squatted down so he couldn't see myhard cock. By this time my prick had started to ooze precumjuice through my shorts causing a big wet spot to form. Mywhite nylon shorts became transparent where my juiceshad soaked through them. When Bob rolled over I got the surprise of my life.his cock was just as hard as mine. As I began massaging histhighs, his cock seemed to jump up more and more as Iworked my fingers closer and closer to the fabric of theleg openings. He moaned as I inched my way toward histhrobbing hard cock! When i reached the material, I letmy fingers work their way under the fabric.I expected him to stop me but he just moaned and juttedhis hips up, allowing me to slip my fingers under thebuilt in supported of the shorts. My fingers came intocontact with his eight inches of rock hard prick!As I squeezed and kneeded the smooth hard cock, Bob reachedand pulled my head to his crotch and made me rub my mouthall over the bulging prick!He lifted his hips so that I could pull his shorts down,exposing his rock hard cock for my eyes to feast upon. Then he reached for my crotch and grabbed my drippingcock through my shorts. His hand filled with my precum juice.As he pulled my shorts off and saw the precum forming inmy piss slit he said,''Wow!, you're not just hard...you'rewet hot, boy!'' He pulled my body on top of his and I felt our pricksrubbing together and both of us were dripping pre fuck juiceour stomachs were a slick mess with all of the sticky juice.He opened his mouth and began kissing me. My brother's bestbuddy was kissing me! We traded tongue and tried to getdeeper into each other's mouths.I could feel one of his fingers digging into my ass.I had never felt so horny before and I was out of control! He rolled over so that he was on top of me andand eased his mouth down my body to my cock As he began licking my balls, I could feel his fingersgoing in and out of my ass. I was afraid I would shoot myload all over myself any second. He seemed to sense that andbegan licking up my prick shaft. His tongue scooped theboy juices from my piss slit and he used the tip of histongue to fuck my piss hole! He looked up at me and said he wanted my teen cum inhis mouth. That was all it took. For when he placed hishot, wet mouth back over my rod I blasted my biggest loadof creamy rich cum into his eager mouth. I fucked the biggestload I'd ever shot into Bob's mouth!Blast after blast scalded over his tongue and against theback of his throat!I thought I would pass out from the ecstacy he was giving me! After my spasms subsided, Bob rolled onto his back andtold me to climb on top. As I did, he made me straddle hiscock and began sticking it into my ass. His fingerwork hadprepared my virgin asshole to help accept his rod.I eased down inch by inch until I had his fuckpole buriedin my guts! It was a terrific feeling. He moved it in andand out. Faster and faster. My cock became harder thanbefore. Harder and harder I rode his rode, enjoying the rideof a lifetime. He said he was about to squirt and hewanted me to shoot again, with him this time. He reached down and began jacking me off while Ihumped up and down on his steel hard prick.He tensed on last time and then slammed it into me real hard!As he began moaning and squirming around as his prickflooded my ass with cum, he jacked a powerful load of my cumout of my cock with such force that it blasted all over ourfaces, giving us both a well deserved jism drenching.our bodies pounded against each other as we shot! After a few minuted we relaxed and he cuddled me in hisstrong arms. We were both covered with cum but, we didn'twant to break our embrace. We drifted off to sleep. I opened my eyes, about an hour later. At my bedroom doorstood my older brother looking at us. I was startled!But, he just looked at us and grinned. Then dropped a handto his tight, faded levis and squeezed his cock. It was hard.