I was working as a medic on the male surgical ward. Back in those daysthecorpsmen performed the surgical preps...lucky me. One day I was orderedtoprep a guy for an appendectomy. I was happy to do that little task, asthisprep envolved shaving the guy from his belly button down to mid-thigh,including his cock and balls. Then I was told that I had to show 3studentshow to prep. Well, there went the privacy. I got my students and tooktheminto the ward to show them how to prep. I almost swooned when I saw thepatient. He was about 20, well built, and black. I had prepped a lot ofwhite guys, but this would be my first black man. I had heard that blackmenwere really hung, and I wished I could be alone with him. Usually when Iprepped a guy, I so thoroughly lathered him up that he couldn't help butgethard. With students along, I knew that I had to be quick andprofessional.I pulled the curtain around the patient, and explained that I would needtoexpose his "private" area and shave him from belly button to mid thigh. Iexplained that being hairless down there would feel strange, but that thehair would eventually grow back. With shaking hands I pulled the sheetdownto his feet. His hospital gown was covering him, and I took hold of thebottom hem, slowly pulling the gown up to expose the biggest cock I hadeverseen. It was black, like licorace, soft, and resting on top of his leftthigh. I almost passed out right there.It was difficult to keep the shakiness out of my voice as I explained theprocedure to my students. I lathered up a wash cloth and rubbed it overhismanhood. I immediately felt his cock twitch, and saw it begin to fillwithblood. It took less than 10 seconds before his 11 inch cock stood hardandpointing straight up. I continued to lather and shave, gently liftingeachball, pulling the skin tight, and running the razor just right so as nottonick his skin. I fondled each huge nut as I lathered, shaved, and rinsed.Then I had to make sure there was no hair on his cock. I took it in myhandand, getting my face real close, examined every detail of it. Occassionallywhile doing a prep, the man gets so excited that he cums. I explainedthisto my students, telling them that if this happens, to just place your handover the head of his cock, to prevent the cum from flying, and wait untilheis finished. I looked from my students up to my patient's face and sawthebiggest smile. Unfortunatly, the students were along so I quickly finshedthe prep and sent this black adonis to surgery.Two days later I was assigned to work the 11 pm to 7 am shift. Usuallythepatients are asleep by the time the shift starts, so you don't see themunless they ring the nurse call bell. At about 3 am the call light wentoffand I went to the patient's bed to see what I he needed. As I got to thispatients bed I recognized him as the black seaman who had his appendixremoved. I quietly asked what he needed, "I need to piss" he said. Iaskedif he wanted me to help him into the latrine, or if he needed a urinal."Urinal" he said. I picked up the urinal from his stand, and, being agoodnurse, pulled down the sheet for him. I held the urinal out to him, buthedidn't take it. At first I just stood there. I looked up to his face,andthere was that beautiful smile again. "I need some help with it." hesaid.Again, being the dutiful nurse, I pulled up his gown, placed the urinalbetween his legs, and gently picked up his soft cock and placed it intotheurinal. I naturally held this big black cock so that it wouldn't fall outwhile he pissed. I could feel the piss running thru the piss tube of hisbigsoft cock, and hear it flowing into the urinal. When he had finished, I shook the last ramaining drops of piss off histool.As I was doing this, I felt his cock begin to harden. I shook it a littlemore, and then milked it a little. Again, in less than 10 seconds I hadan11 inch long, 3 inch around black cock in my hand. I leaned up to his earand quietly asked, "do you want a blow job?" "Yes", he answered. Just tomake sure I hadn't just heard what I wanted to hear, I asked him again."Yes," he answered again. I placed the urine-filled container on the stand, bent my head down to hiscrotch, and without a moments hesitation, sucked that big beautiful blackcock into my mouth. It felt different that any other cock I have hadbetweenmy lips. The skin felt more, oh, I don't know, more velvety. Being suchalarge cock, I could only get my mouth about half way down before I felthiscock-head pressing against the back of my throat. I don't think my blackmanminded, though, as I heard him let out a deep moan. I slowly moved mymouthup and down, rubbing my hot lips hard against this giant black cock. SlowlyI moved up and down, each time I heard him let out a moan. It wasn't longbefore his breathing speeded up and I felt his cock-head grow larger in mymouth. I didn't care how big it got. Even if it got so big I choked todeath, what a way to die. I didn't have long before I felt the first hotspurt of cum hit the back of my throat. He shot so hard I had to pull myheadback a little and aim his cock more toward the back of my throat so thathishot cum could just shoot right into my stomach. I counted each load as itshot out of his cock into me, 5-6-7. Then I felt his cock begin tosoften.I sucked until I had the last drop of this black stud's cum. As his cocksoftened, I was able to take his entire manhood into my mouth until mynosepressed into his shaved balls.About two hours later, I went back and sucked him off again. Not as big aload, but just as nice.