College Restroom Suck

This story is about sex between consenting males. It is a fantasy and none of the characters are real. If you are under the age of 18 or don't like gay sex, I feel sorry for you and you need to LEAVE now and go poke some fish.If you like this kind of thing, get your dick out and read on.College RestroombyChevyV6A few years ago, I was taking some classes in a private college. Though the tuition was a little bit high and the school was very conservative, I got more than my fair share of cock. A lot of Daddy's little rich kids liked getting their young dicks sucked and I didn't mind doing the work.Basketball practice was on every Friday afternoon at 12:30. The whole locker room used to reek of jocksweat and clothes were always littering the benches. I started wodering if I could suck these boys off when I noticed that during practice, every now and then, someone would head into the locker room to take a leak. I tailored my weightlifting program to coincide with these practice sessions and it was all too convenient for me to head in and out of the locker room for a drink of water or a quick pee. Realizing that these guys were filtering in and out of the this relatively remote restroom gave me an idea.One afternoon I scribbled a note on the wall just above the urinals. I tried to make it sound really apppealing. The note read something like - "Clean, discreet guy will suck your cock or anything else you want during practice. Last stall". Nervous as hell, I took up my position and waited.That first day was slow. I must have waited for an hour, but no one wanted to get off with me. I was becoming discouraged. Maybe these jocks had enough fish to take care of their young dicks. But, then again, most guys can't get enough head.The following Friday, I was sitting on the toilet and a young man walked into the restroom. After peeing in the urinal and washing his hands, he came into the stall next to mine and sat down. His nylon basketball shorts dropped and they bunched up around his ankles. I didn't say a word until I saw both of his feet come up off the floor. The kid was jerking off! I started feeling bold so I whispered to him."Please let me suck it for you." The kid's feet hit the floor and, for a second, I expected him to run like hell. Instead, he walked out of his stall and pushed on the door to mine. I quickly unlatched the door and let him in.What a dream come true! This sweaty young jock must have been 6'3" or better. His nylon shorts were pulled up, but the bulge in them told me that the boy was really packed! His hair was a really dark brown and he had a buzz cut. His eyes were a nice dark brown. He looked like the paperboy next door. I raked his shorts and jockstrap down and was presented with a rapidly hardening cock. I slipped his meat into my mouth and started giving him my best blowjob. The kid swelled up to about seven inches. His balls were plump and they reeked like young, hot sweat. The boy only lasted about a minute or so and leaned back against the stall as he shot into my ready mouth. He thanked me and told me that his name was Brian. Brian also warned me that this was not really a safe place to hang out. The coach hated fags and was very vocal about it. Wednesdays would be a better day to hang out because there were no basketball or wrestling practices, but the guys from both sports usually lifted on those days. He promised me that he would discretely tell the right people how they could get their dicks sucked. For safety's sake, I erased the message by the urinal.The following Wednesday proved to be a smorgasboard of dicks. I got there right about the same time and, as Brian had told me, there were a lot of basketball guys and some stocky wrestler types there. I did some light lifting and made sure to make eye contact with as many cute boys as I could. I saw Brian pointing me out to a couple of them. After the workout, I took a quick shower and then took up my position in the last stall of the bathroom.It wasn't long before someone came into the bathroom. I heard a knock on my stall door and I opened it. The tallest black boy I'd ever seen walked in was standing there holding his basket. Not saying a word, he pulled his shorts down and started playing with his dick. That monster must have been at least eight inches long and it was still growing. I started to suck on the massive organ, but could only fit about half of it into my mouth. His hands went on the back of my head and we got a good rhythm going. It wasn't long before my mouth was overflowing with hot young cum."Hey, man. Thanks!". My jaws hurt from the stretching that stud had given me. I was just sitting back to relax when the next guy came in. He sat down in the stall next to mine and didn't say a word. A note was slipped under the door that read "Will you give me head?". I answered him out loud."Come in here.""No, you come in here. If I like the way you look, I will let you in:."I got up and walked over to the next stall. The must have liked my looks because he let me in. He was your average preppy looking guy, with long bangs and the looks of a model. He had already pulled his pants off and was hard. His cock was not overly big,about five inches. I sucked him dry in a couple of minutes and he thanked me. The kid seemed to have an attitude, but I got what I wanted. His jism seemed unusally sweet and tasty.I went back to my little cell and sat down to catch my breath. Another guy came in and pounded on my door. The way he slugged the door scared the hell out of me - I thought he might be wanting to beat me up. I peeked out through the crack."You really want to suck my dick? Let me in!"Nervously, I opened the door. This kid was built like a brick shithouse. I recognized him as one of the wrestlers. He had muscles coming out of everywhere. I started to pull down his sweatpants, but he interrupted me. "I'll pull them down for ya faggot. Hands off."I figured that he was a mouthy little butch boy so I complied. He slid down the sweats and underwear and I was presented with a pretty healthy looking cock. It was long and thick and nestled in a bed of reddish brown pubic hair."Suck me and you'd better do a damn good job of it."I slid that boner into my mouth and started giving him my best blowjob. The boy had a nice piece of meat. As I worked on his fuckpole, I held tightly onto his hard muscular buns. I must have squeezed one too many times because he yanked his meat from my mouth."Seems like you are in love with my ass, faggot. Well here. Lick it". With that, he bent over, exposing a nice white ass with a cute little rosebud. I couldn't help myself, I licked his ass for what seemed like an eternity. The red head was beating his meat as I was licking. Just before he came he stood up and turned around. That monster pole was shoved into my ready mouth and he came in buckets!By then, I was exhausted. Brian came in just as I was about to leave and I found enough energy for one more good blowjob. I left with cum all over my clothes, but it was worth it. I had a few more tearoom encounters after that, but none more memorable.