The Transfer Student

My names Fred and I want to tell you about the kid who transferred into our school yesterday. Im 13 years old and in 7th grade at West Hills Middle School. West Hills is a nice upper-middle class area with kind of ordinary upper-middle class kids. Well, one day just after spring vacation we were sitting in math class, which is the last class before lunch. The teacher was droning on about fractions and we were all bored to death. I couldnt wait for lunch period. All of a sudden the door opened and in walked the Vice-Principal with this kid following him, kind of walking with a swagger. The teacher stopped talking. I couldnt keep my eyes off the kid.
He was dressed in a white tee shirt and long black shorts. The first thing I noticed was his neck. Yes, his neck. His neck didnt look like it belonged on a kid in our class. It was thick and muscular. Thicker and more muscular than I had ever seen on a boy. He had brown eyes and black hair, cut really short on the sides but a little longer on the top. His face was square and powerful looking and he had a strong jaw and chin. I guess you could say that he was handsome - not pretty-boy handsome but brutally handsome. He had dark, tan skin. He smiled at us in kind of a smirk, as if to say, Yeah, check it out boys and girls. Take a look at a real stud. When he smiled, his perfect white teeth sparkled. But even when he smiled his face looked tough and threatening.
His tee-shirt was sort of loose-fitting so I couldnt see his chest or shoulder muscles, but I could see that his shoulders were wide and straight and I could see what I thought were bulges of muscle in his chest - his two pecs pushing out under the tee-shirt. On the front of his tee shirt there was a picture of a vicious-looking, incredibly muscular comic book character literally ripping an arm off a frightened, obviously weaker little dweeb while at the same time crushing the dweebs neck with the massive bicep of his other powerful arm. A chill went up my spine as I looked at that picture and then looked at the kid. Then I saw his forearms and my heart almost skipped a beat. His forearms looked like writhing snakes. Each muscle fiber was clearly visible under his tan, paper-thin skin and the muscle was criss-crossed with veins. The tee shirt was covering up most of his upper arms, but I could see just enough of the lower part of his biceps to realize that there was a lot of muscle there as well.
He was wearing long, baggy black shorts, the kind that gang-bangers wear, so I couldnt see his thigh muscles directly, but I could see that his thighs were pretty big as his quad muscles pressed against the fabric. But I could see his calves very clearly. What a shock! All the kids in our class, myself included, had little scrawny calves that looked like sticks. This kid had calves that bulged with muscle. The fibers and veins pressed against his tan skin. He was wearing low-cut black sneakers without socks, so I could see every inch of his very impressive calf muscles.
The kid wasnt particularly tall. He was just average or below average height for a kid our age. But that was the only thing that was average about him. He was a total muscle stud. I had never seen a more muscular young kid in my life. Of course, a 13-year old kid isnt going to weigh 250 pounds or anything like that. He didnt yet look like the comic book character on his tee shirt. He probably weighed about 125 pounds at 54 tall, but that was all muscle and from the look of him it was strong and mean muscle. He was so much more muscular than any of the other kids in our class that there was absolutely no comparison. He was a man among boys, or more accurately, he was a boy, just like us, but he had the body of a very muscular young man.
I couldnt take my eyes off him. The very sight of him did something to me that I really cant explain. I got a pit in my stomach and chills were running up and down my spine. He noticed that I was staring at him and he started staring back. I was startled and didnt know what to do. But I just couldnt stop looking at him. He sort of sneered and then clenched his right hand into a fist. Then he slowly curled his wrist, flexing his forearm muscles into a writhing mass of muscle. Still looking at me, he smiled with a look of total superiority, as if to say look at that muscle and weep, you little wimp. You aint shit compared to me. My mouth was wide open. I could tell that all the girls in the class were also entranced by this new musclekid. They were also staring intently at him and some of them looked like they were getting red in the face.
Finally, the Vice-Principal broke the silence and said, Boys and girls, this is Vincent DiNunzio. Before the Vice-Principal could say another word, the kid blurted out Hey, its Vinnie, old man. Vinnie DiNunzio. Anyone who calls me Vincent is going to get his head knocked off. The Vice-Principal seemed to be taken aback by Vinnies aggressiveness and attitude, but he didnt say anything and just continued. This is Vinnie DiNunzio. Vinnie is transferring to our school from Martin Luther King Middle School. Hes your age and in seventh grade. The Vice-Principal looked at Vinnie and then looked at us. It was almost as if he couldnt believe what he had just said about Vinnie being our age, but Im sure he had a copy of Vinnies birth certificate to prove it. I hope you will all make Vinnie feel at home. Vinnie smiled when the Vice Principal said that, as if to say, Dont worry, old man. They will, they will. They will, whether they like it or not.
The kids in the class started whispering to each other. They knew that Martin Luther King Middle School was in a tough neighborhood in the inner city. Why would this kid be transferring here, and transferring in the springtime when school was almost over? They had never met a kid from the inner city and now one of them was going to be their classmate. And this kid looked like he was tougher than any kid they had ever seen. The boys were a little afraid. The girls were hot. I was hotter than the girls for reasons I didnt understand.
The Vice-Principal left the room and the teacher asked Vinnie to take one of the empty desks anywhere in the room. Vinnie decided to sit down at a desk right next to me. He looked over at me with a look of sheer contempt and said, Hey dweeb, gimme a piece of paper and a pencil. It was not a request. It was an order. I hesitated for a moment, kind of stunned by Vinnies aggressiveness. He reached over with his right hand and grabbed my skinny upper arm. Slowly he squeezed his strong fingers into my soft flesh. I looked down at Vinnies writhing forearm muscles as they powered his thick fingers into my upper arm muscles and flab. I couldnt believe how much force he was able to apply. No kid had ever done this to me before. Vinnies strong fingers dug down almost to my bone. I tried to flex my muscles to overcome his powerful squeeze, but my flexing was nothing compared to the strength of his muscles. His fingers just forced their way through my pathetic little flexing biceps. Lightning bolts of pain seared through my arm. Vinnie smiled, almost like he was enjoying himself, as I squirmed in agony. Doncha got ears, dweeb? I said gimme a piece of paper and a pencil.
OK, OK, I said in surrender, and he released his iron grip. I handed him a piece of paper and a pencil and he put them on his desk. He didnt even say thank you. I thought maybe he wanted to take notes of what the teacher was saying about fractions. But he just ignored the teacher and started making some kind of drawing on the paper. He worked on the drawing for the last half of the class. When the bell rang, he tossed the pencil on my desk and handed me the paper. When I looked at it, chills ran up my spine again. He had drawn a picture of an incredibly muscular, monster-like man, sort of like the cartoon character on his tee shirt. Next to the muscle monster there was a skinny little dweeb on his knees. The dweeb was looking up at the muscle monster as if he was begging for mercy. The muscle monster had one of his huge arms pulled back and his hand clenched in a fist, as if he was getting ready to deliver a devastating blow to the little nerd. You couldnt tell from looking at the drawing whether the muscle monster was going to go through with it or not. You knew that if he did, the dweeb would be toast. Vinnie was actually a pretty good artist. Above the muscle monster he had written Me. Above the dweeb, he had written You. When he saw the look on my face as the chills went up and down my spine he smiled with a look of arrogant confidence and flexed his forearm again. I looked in awe at the bulging muscles that had just crushed my upper arm like a tomato. Time for lunch, said Vinnie.
I picked up my bag lunch at my locker and walked out to the playground, where my friends and I had lunch everyday. Vinnie followed me. There wasnt much I could do about it. When we got to the playground, I sat down on a little hill with my friends. There were six of us plus Vinnie. Vinnie started to sit down but then he noticed a chinning bar and some parallel bar dip bars not too far away. He walked over to the chinning bar and stripped off his tee shirt. Holy shit! Look at that, yelled one of my friends. Everyone turned and looked at Vinnie. Now his upper body and arms were fully revealed. Vinnie was doing some stretching exercises, so we could see all his upper body muscles working - buzzing and bulging with power. Below his thick neck, his trap muscles bulged across his upper back. His shoulders were incredibly wide and they were capped with thick, round, striated muscle. His delts looked like melons, with the muscle fibers twitching back and forth as he moved his arms. His arms were big, muscular and very cut. His biceps bulged into a hard ball every time he curled his arms up. You could see the two heads of biceps on the top of his arms. Big veins throbbed with blood as they crossed over his biceps. His triceps were equally impressive, with the heads of muscle popping out every time he flexed them.
Vinnie put his arms on his hips and flexed his lats. Wow! I just about peed in my pants. His lats looked like big wings of muscle flaring out, tapering down from his wide shoulders to his very narrow hips. How could this kid be only 13 years old? Next he flexed his pecs and the two big mounds of muscle bulged out in his chest. His nipples were erect and pointing slightly downward because his pec muscles were so big. I could see the fibers of muscle in his pecs, and the cleavage between those two big mounds was probably an inch deep. Next, Vinnie just relaxed and faced us with his eight-pack abs slightly tensed. The ridges of muscle looked as hard as granite. His waist was very small and his hips narrow. He rolled his ab muscles and the hard muscle pulsated at his command. I couldnt believe how good Vinnies abs looked as they tensed and relaxed under his very tan, paper-thin skin. Vinnie was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Vinnie jumped up and grabbed the chinning bar. He was facing us and saw that we were all staring at him in rapt attention. He had absolutely no hair on his body except for little patches of black hair in his armpits. Without hesitation, Vinnie started doing pull-ups. He did them quickly and but in a measured way, concentrating on each rep. His lats exploded out to the sides as he lifted himself up and down. I could see the veins running through his lats as his big, strong heart pumped lots of blood into the working muscle. The pumped muscle turned Vinnies skin a reddish-brown color as it pumped up bigger and bigger and harder and harder with blood surging through it. His lats began to look like slabs of raw beef.
Then there were his arms. When his arms were fully extended, his triceps popped out with ridges of muscle bulging under his skin. His biceps looked like they were made of tightly wound steel cords. Then when Vinnie willed his muscles to pull himself up for another rep, those cords contracted into hard balls of muscle, about the size of baseballs and as hard as rock. Veins pulsated under his skin, which was very tan, even on the front of his biceps. As he gripped the chinning bar, his forearms bulged, with veins covering every square inch. His delts popped out from his shoulders and the fibers of the muscle twitched and flexed under his skin as he went up and down effortlessly.
After Vinnie had done 25 reps, all at the same measured speed, he let go of the bar and fell gracefully to the ground. Nobody in our class had ever done 25 pull-ups before and it looked as if Vinnie could have done another 25 easily. Wow, what a stud, I thought to myself. Vinnie faced us and hit a double-biceps pose. His biceps were huge. In reality, they were probably only about 14 inches, not really big by bodybuilding standards, but to me and my friends they looked huge. And in fact they were huge compared to our little arms. The biggest arm in my group of friends probably measured only about 11-1/2 inches. My arm only measured 10 inches. Vinnie smiled at us as we took in the size and power of his arms and upper body. He knew he was a stud.
Then he walked over to the dip bars and cranked out 25 parallel bar dips. His big triceps rippled with power, the three heads of muscle standing out in bold relief. His pecs were red and bulging and extremely striated with fibers as he pushed his torso up and down on the bars. His body was now very sweaty and the beads of sweat rolled off his shoulders and chest. His abs were tight and hard, rippling with muscle as his big body went up and down. Sweat covered those tan abs and I could see little veins crossing them. He had absolutely no fat on his body. After 25 easy reps, Vinnie hopped off the bars and smiled at us in a superior way. We were all staring in disbelief. The most dips that anyone in our class could do was 6, and we thought that kid was really strong. Vinnie did 25 like it was nothing. Vinnie did a most muscular pose. Every muscle in his upper body bulged with hardness. He looked incredible. As he was doing his most muscular pose, he let out a loud roar, sort of like a lion. All of us instinctively jumped at the frightening sound. Vinnie laughed and then swaggered over to where we were sitting.
Aint you dweebs ever seen real muscle before? he asked derisively as he looked at our incredulous faces. Well, youre going to be seeing a lot of it from now on. He flexed his lats, pecs and abs right in front of us. Sweat was rolling off all of his muscles and they looked really pumped and hard. He was standing right in front of me. He was so close that I could smell the sweat evaporating from his hot body. I looked up and stared at his rock-hard abs and big, hard pecs as he flexed the rippling muscle right above me. His abs were flat and corrugated like a washboard. His pecs bulged out over his abs. I could see the fibers in his lower pecs flex and relax as they pushed his nipples far out from his torso. As I looked further up I could see Vinnies strong jaw and chin and the bottom of his brutally handsome face. He looked incredibly arrogant and confident.
His thighs were right at my eye level and his quads bulged under his shorts. He had a round, muscular butt that pressed against his shorts and forced the fabric upwards and outwards. That butt looked like it had incredibly strong ass muscles. Ass muscles that worked with his quads to let Vinnie squat with really heavy weights. His calves were big, cut and hard, looking like they had been carved from rock with a knife. When I looked up at Vinnie I felt I was looking at a Greek god. I was simply overwhelmed by the muscularity and strength of this kid.
Suddenly without warning he sat down right between me and my friend Roger. There really wasnt enough space, but Vinnie didnt seem to care. He just sat down and forced us to move to the side, squeezing his muscular body between us. I couldnt believe it. I was now in direct contact with Vinnies big shoulders and his muscles really felt hard. I could have moved further over, but I wanted to press against Vinnies hard body. Vinnie stretched his big arms, almost knocking me over as he rubbed them against my body. I wanted to reach over and feel his arm, but I didnt have the nerve. I looked over and saw his sweaty, bulging pecs. Oh how I wanted to touch those mountains of muscle. Shit, that workout really made me hungry, said Vinnie. I feel like I could eat a horse. Then I said, Looks like you didnt bring a lunch so I guess youll just have to wait until you get home to eat. Vinnie looked at me like I had said the most stupid thing in the world. Whats you name, dweeb? asked Vinnie. Fred. My names Fred, I said. O.K., Fred, said Vinnie. Heres the deal. Im going to eat right now and Im going to eat real good. You see youre going to give me your whole lunch and all your little dweeb friends here are going to give me half of their lunches. Im going to choose which half - the half with all the protein. I gotta eat a lot of protein to feed these muscles and keep em growing. That will be a little over three of your dweeb lunches, which Im sure I can eat no sweat.
All of us looked at each other in shock. Jesus, this kid is aggressive, we thought to ourselves. Can he really get away with this? While we were looking at each other, Vinnie grabbed my lunch. Why are you taking my whole lunch and not just half? I asked plaintively. Now I was the one who was going to go hungry. Because I want to and I can, was Vinnies response. You gonna to do something about it, dweeb? I remembered the excruciating pain I felt when Vinnie crushed my arm. I shook my head. Vinnie looked me right in the eyes and smiled. I realized I was in the total control of this musclekid. Vinnie then set out to take the half-lunches from the other kids in my group. Roger and the others meekly surrendered their lunches toVinnie. Vinnie picked out what he wanted, the meat sandwiches and other protein things, and sometimes something to drink, and threw the rest back at the kid. When he got to Kevin, who was the biggest and strongest guy in our group, Kevin stood up and faced Vinnie. Kevin was actually about four inches taller than Vinnie, but Vinnie was far more muscular. Kevin said, Im not giving up half of my lunch to you, Vinnie. Youve got enough food. Vinnie looked at Kevin with a look of pure contempt. Ill decide when Ive got enough food, asshole, said Vinnie. I eat as much as I want, when I want it. At that Vinnie wrapped his right arm around Kevins neck and started contracting his forearm and flexing his bicep. The big ball of hard muscle forced itself against Kevins windpipe. Kevin couldnt breathe. Kevin tried to defend himself by punching Vinnie in the chest and gut. The punches just bounced harmlessly off Vinnies hard muscles. Vinnie laughed uproariously. Suddenly he let go of Kevins neck and stood right in front of the taller boy. You want to punch me out, big guy? You think you can do some damage to this body? Well, here you go. Take a couple of free shots. I wont even try to stop you.
Kevin wound up his right arm and punched Vinnie as hard as he could in the abs. Vinnies corrugated ab muscles felt like a brick wall - a living, pulsating brick wall. Kevin pulled back his fist in pain. Vinnies abs were so strong that Kevin hurt his hand when he hit them. Kevin wound up his left arm and punched Vinnie in the chest. Vinnies big, pumped pec muscles didnt even budge as Kevins fist bounced harmlessly off them. Kevin was getting really frustrated. He was the toughest guy in our group and he was used to having his punches really hurt people. He didnt understand why his punches werent doing anything to this musclekid. He started hitting Vinnie with both hands, with punches to the abs, the chest, the arms - anywhere he could. He even tried to hit Vinnie in the face, but Vinnie easily dodged out of the way. Vinnie smiled as Kevin punched away. He seemed to be enjoying himself as his muscles deflected punch after punch. Vinnies body was like a fortress. His muscles were like armor. None of Kevins punches did the slightest amount of damage to Vinnies iron body. Vinnie sneered at Kevin and said, Those little girl punches dont feel like nothin to me. My muscles are so big and hard that your pathetic little muscles cant do shit to them. But feel what they can do to you!
At that, Vinnie pulled back his right hand and made a fist. The striated delt muscles bulged on his shoulders as they prepared to deliver overwhelming power to Vinnies punch. His pecs, biceps and triceps rippled. I could see every muscle fiber flexing. They looked like steel cords. Then suddenly it came. Vinnie punched Kevin hard, real hard, in the gut. The sound of Vinnie's big fist hitting Kevins gut was amazingly loud. Not only that, but the fist penetrated deep inside Kevins gut. I couldnt even comprehend how much power Vinnies arm had. It was like a machine, like a piledriver. Kevin buckled over in pain and fell to the ground. Vinnies one devastating punch was more powerful than all of Kevins punches put together. Vinnie knelt down and said to Kevin, who was writhing in pain on the ground, I guess we know whos the boss around here now. Thanks for the lunch. I think Ill take the whole thing. You dont look very hungry. Vinnie then sat back down between me and Roger and started wolfing down his lunches, one at time. He just sat there eating, just like nothing had happened and this was normal. Finally he said, O.K. dweebs, listen up. I own you guys. Everything you have is mine. Anybody that tries to fuck with me is going to get beat up a lot worse than barf-boy over there. We looked over to see Kevin vomiting on the ground. You guys better ask your mommies to make you an extra sandwich for lunch tomorrow if you want to eat anything yourselves. And it better be meat, chicken or tunafish. I eat a lot and I dont want no pussyfood. Vinnie polished off all the food he had taken from us. I never saw a kid eat that much food in my life. Then he stood up, burped real loud and said See ya. He grabbed his tee shirt, slung it over his shoulder, and strutted over to a group of cute girls. I thought of the irony of the situation. We dweebs were being forced to feed Vinnies big muscles with our food so that they could grow even bigger and stronger and beat us up even easier. The strong take what they want from the weak and get even stronger so they can pick on the weak even more. The law of the jungle right here at West Hills Middle School.
The girls had been watching Vinnie ever since class was over. They couldnt take their eyes off this good-looking, muscular kid. They watched Vinnie take off his tee shirt and do his pull-ups and parallel bar dips. They gasped just like we did when Vinnie took off his shirt and revealed his incredibly muscular upper body. They saw Vinnie sit down and help himself to our lunches. They probably thought that we offered to share our food with Vinnie. They didnt know that Vinnie took the food by force. They saw Kevin punching at Vinnie, trying to hurt him, and Vinnie smiling back. Then they saw Vinnie take out Kevin with one incredibly hard punch to the gut. There was something about Vinnie that brought out a primal urge in these girls. An urge to be with the biggest and strongest male, to be protected by him, to feel his big, hard muscles, to be ravaged by him. As Vinnie walked over to the girls, every one of them wanted him.
Hello, ladies. Whattsup? said Vinnie. The girls giggled. Vinnie walked right up to two of the prettiest girls. I think you girls have needed a real man at this school. All these kids are a bunch of wimps, he said, pointing to the boys out on the playground. Here, feel the muscles of a real man. Vinnie flexed his arms and the two girls wrapped their delicate fingers around his bulging biceps. Ooh, your muscles are so big and hard, cooed one of the girls. Yeah, theyre big, hard and tough, said Vinnie. I can beat up any kid in this whole school. If any boy gives you ladies any shit, you just come to me and Ill pulverize his sorry ass. The girls started getting hot. Go, ahead, ladies, feel the rest of my body. Feel how big and hard these muscles are. At that, all the girls started groping Vinnies body with their fingers as he flexed his muscles for them. They felt his big arms, his wide, muscular delts, his hard, bulging pecs, his slab-like lats, his rippling, corrugated abs, his thick thighs and muscular calves, and last but not least, his round, firm muscle butt. Vinnie looked absolutely radiant with his brown eyes, his black hair, his handsome face, his strong jaw and chin and his tan skin.
Suddenly one of the girls grabbed the back of Vinnies head and kissed him. Vinnie wrapped his muscular arms around the girl and held her tight against his body. He continued kissing the girl, pushing his tongue deep inside her mouth over and over. He started thrusting his hips against the girls pelvis. He lowered his arms and held on to the girls ass, holding her tight against his lower abs. I could only guess what was happening under Vinnies shorts. He kept thrusting and thrusting, harder and harder. The girl looked like she was in total bliss. Finally he whispered in her ear, Well finish this later. He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her high off the ground. Then he pressed her up and down about ten times. It was an amazing display of strength since the girl must have weighed at least 100 pounds and Vinnie pressed her up and down like a feather. The other girls felt Vinnies bulging, striated delts and rippling arms as his huge muscles easily powered the girl up and down. Vinnie then set the girl down and said, Yeah, I think you ladies are going to like having a musclestud around. Youve been missing out on hot muscle action, but youre going to get it now. The girls seemed to start panting. Just then, the bell rang for our next class. Vinnie flexed one more time for the girls and swaggered away.
I was sitting at my desk after lunch waiting for English class to start. The bell rang and the teacher got up to start the class. Vinnie was not in sight. Maybe I would escape him for the afternoon, I thought. Then the door opened and in walked Vinnie. I should say in strutted Vinnie. He always walked with an attitude. And just like in the morning, he sat down at the desk right next to me. I asked him if he wanted a piece of paper and a pencil. He waved his big hand at me and said Nah. I said, You might need to take notes to do your homework assignment. He looked at me like I was crazy. I dont do no homework, he said. If I need to turn in homework to pass the class, youre going to do it for me, dweeb. He looked right at me with a look of total arrogance on his ruggedly handsome face. I could tell he was deadly serious. Vinnie didnt do homework. If any homework needed to be done, I would have to do it for him. I knew that I really didnt have any choice in the matter. Vinnie was the boss.
So I took out my paper and pencil and started taking notes. Just then Vinnie rolled up the sleeves of his tee shirt, exposing his muscular arms and his big shoulders. He started flexing his arm right next to me, first the massive horseshoe tricep, then the big, hard, baseball bicep. I couldnt keep my eyes off Vinnies arm and I wasnt paying any attention to the teacher. I stared intently at the defined fibers of muscle as they flexed and relaxed at Vinnies command. I inspected all the veins that cris-crossed his bicep. tricep, and forearm. I marveled at the thickness of his delts and the striations of muscle that comprised the three heads of that muscle that was as big as a melon. Every time he moved his arm, the muscle fibers in his delt twitched and flexed and then rearranged themselves effortlessly. I could tell that Vinnie was doing all this flexing just for me. Then Vinnie raised his arms in the air like he was stretching, lowered them slowly, and hit a double biceps pose. His baseball size biceps exploded under his thin, tan skin. I could see the two heads of muscle at the top of his upper arm. The fibers looked like steel cords and I was sure that they were just as hard. I was getting hot just looking at Vinnies arm. I hadnt taken one note since the class started and had no idea what the teacher was talking about. Vinnie lowered his arms, leaned over to me and said, Youre not paying attention to the teacher, dweeb. Seems like somethings more interesting to you. He flexed his tricep one more time and I kept staring at it. He was on to me. He knew I dug his muscles. I think he had known that from the first two minutes in math class when I was staring at him and he stared back.
Just then the door opened and the Vice-Principal came in. Mr. DiNunzio, come with me, please, he said. Vinnie got up and strutted out of the room. His sleeves were still rolled up and he flexed his triceps as he walked out the door. God, those muscles looked huge. About 15 minutes later, Vinnie came back into the classroom. His sleeves were down, but as soon as he sat down at his desk he rolled them up again. Vinnie looked really mad. His teeth were clenched and he looked like he was about to explode. He turned and looked over to Roger, who was sitting two rows away in the back of the class. Vinnie stared at Roger and slowly mouthed, Youre dead meat, wimp, without making a sound. Roger understood very well what Vinnie said and started squirming in his seat. Vinnie started clenching his right hand into a fist and opening it again. Every time he clenched it into a fist, the muscles of his forearm bulged and veins popped out everywhere. He moved his fist back and forth. The muscles of his shoulder and arm writhed with power. Every so often he would hit his fist against his other hand, making a loud smacking sound. Rogers face got beet red and he started sweating. I figured out what had happened. Roger had gone to the Vice-Principal and turned in Vinnie for taking our lunches and punching out Kevin. Somehow the Vice-Principal had let Rogers name slip out, which was a big mistake. Now Roger was going to have to pay the price for squealing on Vinnie. I shuddered at the thought.
The bell rang at the end of class. Roger got up and started walking quickly to the door. Vinnie followed right behind. When he got to the hallway, Roger started running as fast as he could, but Vinnie was much faster than Roger and easily caught up with him. Vinnie wrapped his arms around Rogers chest from behind and contracted his big arms and lats, squeezing poor Roger in a powerful bear hug. All the air was immediately forced out of Rogers lungs by the incredible crushing power of Vinnies arms. Lets go outside, wimp, said Vinnie. I think we got some business to take care of. Still holding Roger in a bear hug,Vinnie picked him off the floor and carried him down the hall and out the door. Rogers arms and legs were flailing away, but they made absolutely no impact on Vinnie. When they got outside, Vinnie brought Roger to an area that was screened off from the school by a big hedge. He didnt want any teachers seeing what he was going to do to Roger. He didnt care if us kids saw it. He knew that we wouldnt squeal after seeing the punishment that squealers got.
Roger had not had a breath of air the whole time Vinnie was crushing his chest and carrying him outside. His face was red and his neck was swollen. Vinnie picked him up higher and threw him on the ground. Roger quickly took a few breaths of air. So you went and squealed to the Vice-Principal, sissy-boy. Did you go crying to your mommy, too? Or maybe your daddy? I bet I could beat up your wimp daddy just like Im going to beat you up. Ya know, they cant give me no punishment here cause Im only 13. I can kick your ass and all they can do is transfer me to another school. But they dont want to do that. They transferred me here cause I got into too many fights at King. I won all those fights, of course. And I was fighting a lot of bigger and meaner dudes than you little geeks at this school. I like to kick ass and Ive got the muscles to do it. They think Im going change at this fuckin rich-kid school. But theyre wrong. Im a big, mean muscle machine and I love it. And Im getting bigger and stronger every month. I like to beat people up just for fun. It gives me a real rush and makes me feel real strong. If I want to beat up any of you little dweebs, Im just going to do it. And youre all so weak you wont be able to do a fucking thing about it. And for any of you wimps who think you might want to squeal on Vinnie, just watch what I do to squealers.
At that, Vinnie stripped off his tee shirt. Some of the kids who hadnt already seen Vinnies body gasped. His muscles were huge and rippling with power. Roger had finally recovered enough to get on his feet. Roger was about 55 and weighed about 95 pounds. Vinnie was a little shorter but 30 pounds heavier, and all solid muscle. Vinnie jumped at Roger with all the force of his powerful legs, hitting him on the left side of the chest with his big, hard, muscular shoulder, just like a football player hitting a tackling dummy. Roger crashed to the ground, the wind completely knocked out of him. Vinnie jumped on the fallen kid, sat on his legs and punched him hard four or five times on his chest and stomach. Each punch was enough to inflict incredible pain on the helpless boy. I watched Vinnies arm and shoulder muscles bulge and ripple as they drove his big, hard fists deep into Rogers flesh. Fortunately, Vinnie didnt aim at Rogers face. Then Vinnie flipped Roger over on his stomach and grabbed his arms. He twisted Rogers arms up his back, pushing them almost beyond the limits of Rogers joints. Hows that feel, squealer- boy? Howd you like to have your arms torn off your body, just like a chicken drumstick? I could do it, ya know. My arms are so strong they could just rip your puny little chicken arms right off of you. Vinnie pressed Rogers arms even further up his back. His delts and triceps writhed with power under his tan skin as they forced the pipe stem arms of the little dweeb further and further up his back. His muscles were really pumped and I could see the fibers flexing like steel cords. Roger cried out in excruciating pain. I thought of the picture on the front of Vinnies tee shirt and shivered.
Then Vinnie let go of Rogers arms and moved to his side. He wrapped his legs around Rogers chest in a scissors hold, locked his ankles and started squeezing with his powerful thighs. Immediately the air was crushed out of Rogers lungs. Vinnies quads bulged under his black shorts as he applied more and more pressure. Hey squealer-boy, your little chicken chest is no match for my big, strong muscular legs. These legs can squat with 300 pounds and they can crush your little chest like an egg shell. Feel the power, geek. Feel the power of a real man. Feel the power of a real man who hurts squealers so much they wish they were dead. Rogers face was beet red. He was moaning in pain. He was too weak to cry out. Vinnie flexed his quads harder and applied even more pressure. The huge muscles were really bulging under his shorts. Even though those huge quads were inflicting incredible pain on my friend, I wished Vinnies shorts werent there so I could see those big, strong monsters flexing. Vinnie said Tell these kids not to squeal, dweeb. Tell em it dont pay to squeal on Vinnie. Roger was now almost incoherent. Saliva was running out of his mouth. He was silent. Vinnie took a deep breath and flexed his quads still harder. I thought poor Rogers ribs were going to crack. Tell, em, asshole. Tell em or Ill crush your little body into pulp. Roger looked in total awe and despair at the 13 year old kid whose big, hard, rippling muscles were crushing the life out of him. Roger just couldnt comprehend how a kid his age could be this muscular and strong. Every part of Rogers body was hurting more than it had in his entire life. Dont squeal on Vinnie, he murmured. He then closed his eyes. He was passing out. He hadnt had a breath of air for several minutes and his lungs were almost collapsed. Vinnie immediately released his scissors hold and Roger took several deep breaths. Tears were streaming down his face. Vinnie looked at the battered kid and said, Hey geek, if anybody asks, you fell down some stairs. Youre pretty clumsy, ya know. Vinnie stood up, hit a double biceps pose for the girls, brushed himself off, put on his tee shirt and said to me Time for our next class, dweeb. He then casually walked away, with me in tow. All of our classmates stared at Vinnie in complete awe and fear. None of them even thought of squealing on Vinnie.
At our last class of the day, Vinnie sat down next to me again and tortured me with his flexing. I just couldnt concentrate in class and kept staring at Vinnies muscles. Sometimes I thought I saw Vinnie kind of smile when he saw me staring. When school ended, I put my books in my backpack and got ready to walk home. My house was only about 10 blocks from the school. Just then, Vinnie came up to me and put his strong hand on my shoulder. Hey dweeb, youre coming home with me today. I need a spotter for my workout. Im gonna do some heavy chest work. Vinnie always called me dweeb rather than my real name. I guess thats how he thought of me - just a dweeb, not a real person that was his equal and had a name. What are you talking about, Vinnie? I said. I cant go home with you. Vinnie grabbed my arm and squeezed, just like he did in math class. Pain shot up and down my arm. Doncha got ears, dweeb. I said youre coming home with me. Just call your mommy and tell her youre going to a friends house. I could tell I had no choice in the matter, as usual. I took my cell phone out of my backpack and called my mom. She seemed surprised but said it was OK. I knew I would have to go even if she had said no.
We had to take the city bus to Vinnies house. He lived about 40 minutes away in a real poor part of town. Vinnie took the window seat and I sat next to him. As we drove through the city, Vinnie didnt say much. He just stared out the window. I was staring the whole time at Vinnie. I stared at his handsome face, at his short, black hair, at his thick, tan neck, at his big, shredded forearms and at his hard, diamond shaped calves. Vinnie knew that I was staring at him but I guess he didnt care. He must have been used to people staring at his muscles. I wished that Vinnie would take off his shirt so I could see his whole upper body. Then, almost as if he could read my mind, Vinnie said Shit, its hot on this bus, and he ripped off his tee shirt. I was in heaven. I could now look at his huge, defined arms, his big, bulging pecs, his wide, cannonball striated delts and his flat, corrugated abs. Every so often Vinnie would flex, just to torture me I think. I still didnt have the nerve to touch Vinnies muscles although I was thinking about it the whole time.
All of a sudden, Vinnie stood up and said, Heres were we get off. He put his tee shirt back on and we got off the bus. We were on a busy street in a really seedy neighborhood. Follow me, dweeb, he said. I gotta buy some supplements before I work out. We walked a few blocks to a health food store. When Vinnie walked in, the clerk said Hi Vinnie, so I guess he was a regular customer. He turned to me and said, How much you got? I looked at him with a blank look on my face. He grabbed my arm again and squeezed hard. Doncha got ears, dweeb? How much ya got on ya? Suddenly realizing what he was talking about, I opened my wallet and looked. Ive got 23 dollars, I said. Vinnie grabbed my wallet and took out the money. OK, dweeb, he said. Heres a dollar for the bus ride home. The rest is mine. I gotta buy some supplements. I knew it was pointless to argue with Vinnie. He always got what he wanted and never took no for an answer. So I just took the dollar and put it back in my wallet.
Vinnie went through the store picking out supplements. He seemed to know exactly what he wanted. The total came to $21.75, so he had done some pretty good math. He put the change in his pocket and walked out the door. I followed like a lap dog. We walked about six blocks into a neighborhood with little wooden houses on very small pieces of property. Most of the houses looked pretty run down. Finally he turned into the driveway of a small white house that really needed paint. The yard was overgrown with weeds and there were some old car parts lying around. Vinnie took a key from his pocket and opened the door. There was nobody home. My dads in prison and my mom works two jobs, so she really gets home late, said Vinnie. Im pretty much on my own. I just nodded, still trying to get my mind around the fact that his dad was in prison.
Come on down to my room, dweeb. Im going to change into my workout shorts. I followed Vinnie into a small room that was barely big enough for a single bed, a beat up old dresser and a chair. Clothes were strewn about everywhere and several pair of sneakers were scattered on the floor. The room smelled like sweaty clothes, kind of like the locker room of a gym where jocks left their sweaty clothes in the lockers after a hard workout. The walls were completely covered with pictures of big bodybuilders from muscle magazines, except there were also some drawings of huge muscle men and muscle monsters that had obviously been drawn by Vinnie. Sometimes these huge, muscular beings were beating up an enemy and the enemy was always getting totally thrashed. Nice artwork, I said. Yeah, said Vinnie. This is what Im going to look like one day. He pointed to a drawing of an extremely muscular, vicious-looking young man with black hair cut short on the sides that looked just like Vinnies. The muscleman was holding up two other guys, one in each hand. They were obviously dead, having been beaten to death by the muscleman. Im going to be so big and strong Ill be able to kick anybodys ass I want. Vinnie sounded dead serious, and I knew he was.
Vinnie stripped off his tee shirt and stood right in front of me. Im making pretty good progress, dont you think, dweeb? I looked at his amazing muscles and nodded my head. Then Vinnie took off his long black shorts and his shoes. He was now wearing only some boxer shorts. For the first time I could see his quads and they were spectacular. Big, thick and cut to shreds. Then, nonchalantly, Vinnie pulled off his boxer shorts and stood facing me. He smiled as I stared at his body. He was a real man, all right. Vinnie was a total stud from head to toe. You like what you see, dweeb? I think you do, said Vinnie. Then he pulled some red nylon shorts off the floor and put them on. He didnt put on any underwear or a jock strap. Just a pair of very short red nylon shorts. I guess those were his workout shorts. He stood in front of me with just his red shorts on and flexed his abs. His tan, eight-pack washboard looked as hard as granite. Time to go mix up some supplements, he said.
We went into the kitchen and Vinnie put the supplements we bought on the counter. He got a gallon of milk out of the refrigerator and poured almost a quart into the blender. Then he put some powder from two of the cans into the blender and turned it on. This will give me lots of power and energy for my chest workout. Some protein too. Gotta eat lots of protein. He turned off the blender, lifted the glass container by the handle and started drinking the liquid right from the blender container. Hey, Vinnie, can I have some? I said. I didnt have any lunch, remember? I was starving, and here this big musclekid, who had eaten four lunches just a few hours ago, was gulping down even more food. Shit, no, dweeb, said Vinnie. This stuff is for real men building real muscle. Youre just a wimp. It would be totally wasted on you. So stop complaining and just be glad I havent already beat the shit out of you. He gulped down the rest of the thick liquid and let out a big burp. Here, you can have a glass of milk. Thats all a dweeb like you deserves. He poured a small glass of milk and handed it to me.
O.K., dweeb. Time to go pump some heavy iron. I gulped down the glass of milk and followed Vinnie out the back door of the house. There was a garage next to the house. Vinnie opened the door to the garage and we walked in. I was flabbergasted. Inside the garage was a complete bodybuilding gym. There was a bench with an Olympic weight bar and lots of plates, ranging from 5 to 45 pounds. There were pulleys, a chinning bar, some parallel bar dip bars, a squat rack, a leg press machine, and lots more equipment that I didnt even know existed. There were barbells and dumbbells in various poundages. The dumbbells ranged from 10 pounds all the way up to 200 pounds. Now I knew Vinnie was strong, but I didnt think he was using 200-pound dumbbells. One of the walls was covered by a mirror and there was a wrestling mat right in front of the mirror. The other walls were covered with more pictures of big bodybuilders and some drawings by Vinnie of huge muscle monsters. These weights belong to my dad, said Vinnie. Hes in prison now but hell be out soon. Some punk in a bar got in his way and he beat em into a pulp. My dad dont take no shit from anybody but he can sure dish it out. The punk had six broken bones and spent a week in the hospital. My dad got busted for assault and battery. Hes doing 9 months and hes already served six. He says prisons actually a blast cause hes the biggest, strongest and baddest dude in there and he can just make other prisoners do what he wants. He gets all the food, supplements and other stuff he wants cause if the little dweeb prisoners dont get it for him he just beats their ass. Even the guards give him things cause they dont want to get on his bad side. The prison has a great weight room and my dad rules the place and the whole prison for that matter. Hes 511 and weighs 285 pounds and its all solid muscle. He says hes gotten even bigger and stronger since hes been in prison cause all he does is lift and eat - and beat people up. My dad says Im built even bigger than he was at my age. I can hardly wait to get as big and strong as he is, even bigger and stronger! Here, Ill show you a picture of my dad.
We walked over to a wall and Vinnie pointed to a picture of a huge, young muscleman and a kid. I immediately recognized the kid as Vinnie. He was obviously quite a bit younger than he is now but he was still very muscular. Thats me and my dad,said Vinnie. That picture was taken when I was still 11 years old, just before my 12th birthday. Not too shabby for an 11-year old, huh? I looked at Vinnies muscular 11-year old body and nodded my head. He looked more muscular at 11 than most 14 year olds. Ive been lifting weights with my dad since I was eight. I just turned 13 a month ago, so I guess this picture is a little over a year old. Since then, Ive gained 4 inches in height and 35 pounds of muscle. Ive really been putting on the muscle in the last six months. I can bench press 100 pounds more than I did just six months ago. I weigh 125 now and Im gaining weight every month. At the end of the summer Ill be two inches taller and 20 pounds heavier. I know cause Im getting taller, heavier and stronger every month. Theres no stopping me as long as I keep lifting heavy weights and eating lots of good food. I couldnt believe that Vinnie had turned 13 only a month ago. My god, I thought to myself, hes four months younger than me!
Vinnies dad was one of the biggest bodybuilders Id even seen. He had black hair and tan skin, just like Vinnie, and huge, defined muscles. His shoulders were wide and his hips were narrow, just like his son. He was very good looking, but in a rugged, brutal way. He looked young. To me he looked too young to be Vinnies father. How old is your father? I asked. He looks pretty young. Yeah, hes only 28. He was only 14 when he knocked up my mom. My mom was 16. A real stud, huh? He was very mature for his age, as they say. Just like you, Vinnie, I said, looking at his incredible 13-year old muscle body. Vinnie smiled at the compliment. They didnt get an abortion because theyre Catholic. So they had me. Were Italian. Italians like to kick ass.
Vinnie walked over to the bench. Im gonna do bench presses first, he said. Im gonna warm up with a light weight and Im gonna keep adding weight each set until it gets really heavy. Your job as spotter is to help me finish the last two or three reps with the heavy weights so I can push at maximum force and finish the set. Its those last killer reps that really build big muscles. But dont help too much - my muscles gotta do most of the work. Dont fuck it up. I didnt quite understand what he was talking about but I was a fast learner, I thought. Put a 45 on your side, ordered Vinnie as he easily picked up one of the big plates and put it on his side of the bar. I reached down and tried to pick up a big plate but couldnt do it. It was too heavy and awkward for me to lift off the floor. Vinnie looked at me and laughed. Jesus, dweeb, youre even weaker than I thought. Youre a total loser. He came over and lifted the plate off the floor with one hand and put it on the bar. This is just a warmup, said Vinnie. You dont need to spot with this. Vinnie got on the bench under the bar. He lifted the bar off the rack, pumped out 15 easy reps and crashed the bar back onto the rack. As he pushed the weight up and down, his pecs bulged under his thin, tan skin. They started to pump up with blood. The individual fibers of muscle were pushing against his tan skin. After his set, Vinnie jumped off the bench and stretched his arms. I feel really strong today, he said. How much weight was that? I asked. One hundred thirty-five pounds, he said. Its 10 pounds more than I weigh, but its only a warmup weight for me. A warmup weight of more than his bodyweight! I remembered when I went to a friends house. He had a little weight set and I tried to bench press. I could only lift 30 pounds. Vinnie had just lifted more than four times my maximum and he was just warming up!
Hey Vinnie, can I lift too? I asked. Fuck, no, dweeb, said Vinnie. I dont rest much between sets so there wont be time for you to lift. Besides, youre just a wimp and wimps cant build any muscle. These weights only build muscle on real men like me and my dad. Youre just going to be weak for the rest of your life, while Im gonna get bigger and stronger every day. Thats just the way it is, dweeb, so you better get used to it. Youre a wimp and Im a real man. Just be glad you can be my spotter. Put on a another 25 pounds, dweeb. Im gonna lift some heavy iron. I managed to pick up the 25-pound plate and put it on the bar. Vinnie put his plate on. Now the bar weighed 185 pounds. Vinnie got under it and pumped out 10 reps with even, deliberate speed. He didnt need my spot. This weight didnt seem heavy to him. As he pressed up the weight again and again, his pecs started to get red from all the blood surging through the muscle fiber. All the muscles of his upper body were getting pumped - his shoulders, his arms, his traps, his neck, even his lats seemed to be pumping up. Vinnie jumped off the bench and flexed his muscles in the mirror. They looked so massive and hard. Oh how I wished that I could touch those big, hard muscles. After about 30 seconds of rest, Vinnie ordered me to put another 20 pounds on my side of the bar and he put 20 on his side. Now we were up to 225. Jesus, I thought, this is an incredible weight for a 13 year old to be bench pressing. O.K., dweeb. I might need a little help with a spot on the last couple of reps. You know what to do. I really didnt, but I was going to try. Vinnie started pressing up the heavy bar. The first six reps were pretty steady, but he started slowing down at rep seven and seemed to be struggling at his eighth rep. I had my hands under the bar and started lifting it up. The bar started moving rapidly upwards. Hey, lighten up, dweeb, Vinnie yelled. Youre making it too easy. My muscles gotta do most of the work. Make it hard. Make it real hard. So for the last two reps, I barely lifted the bar while Vinnie strained with all his might to push it up to the top. His face was red and veins were pulsating in his forehead. His pecs were like huge, raw pieces of beef with striations cutting deep into the bulging muscle. Big veins were coursing through his neck, which was bulging. His delts had exploded on his shoulders with hard fibers and big veins clearly visible under his thin, tan skin. His triceps were popping out from his arms and his forearms were writhing like snakes. This kid was giving everything he had to lift that big, heavy, piece of iron. Finally Vinnie finished ten grueling reps and slammed the bar onto the rack. His pecs - his whole upper body - looked incredibly pumped. Sweat beaded up on his skin and started dripping off.
That was great! he roared. I feel like a fuckin animal. He turned to me and hit a most muscular pose. His muscles looked phenomenal. I thought he would have been exhausted from that set, but he seemed amazingly energized. Huge amounts of adrenaline and testosterone must have been shooting through his veins. Put on another 10 pounds, dweeb. I feel as strong as a fucking bull. The bar was now loaded to 245 pounds. This was almost twice Vinnies bodyweight. It was also more than eight times what I could lift. Vinnie was eight times stronger than me. One of his arms was four times stronger than both of my arms. I couldnt comprehend how a kid four months younger than me could be this strong. After no more than a minute, he got under the bar and pumped up a total of six reps. I had to spot him for the last three reps, but I had learned to apply the absolute minimum amount of force so Vinnies muscles had to really strain with all their might to press up those last reps. By now his chest and arms were totally engorged with blood and his muscles were ballooning. I had never seen muscle like that in my life. Oh how I wished I could touch them, but I was too scared that Vinnie might punch me out if I tried to. Fuck I feel strong! yelled Vinnie. You make me feel real strong, ya know that, dweeb? I could only do one rep with that weight last week, and now I did six. I smiled. I was glad I could make Vinnie feel strong. Vinnie was really getting loud and aggressive. Put on another five pounds, dweeb. That will make it 255. Thats 10 more pounds than I did last week. Im a fucking superman! Thats more than twice your bodyweight, Vinnie, I said. You are a fucking superman. I cant believe youre so strong. Believe it, dweeb. Im fucking strong and Im going to get a lot stronger, yelled Vinnie as he got under the 255 pound bar.
Vinnie pressed up the first rep with only his own muscle power. He did two more slow and painful reps with just a little help from me. His pecs and every muscle of his upper body were totally pumped and hard as rock. His skin was a brownish red color and veins were crossing every inch. The fibers of muscle in his pecs looked like hard steel cords. At the end of the third rep he smashed the weight into the rack and jumped off the bench. Youre lookin at a fuckin musclestud! he yelled. He walked over to the mirror. Come over here, dweeb, he said. I walked over and stood right next to Vinnies big, pumped muscular body. Strip to your shorts, dweeb, he ordered. I looked at him blankly. Vinnie bumped his big, hot sweaty chest into my little chest and squeezed my arm real hard. Doncha got ears, dweeb, he said. I said strip to your shorts! I ripped off my shirt and took off my pants and shoes. I stood next to Vinnie in my boxer shorts. Vinnie and I both looked in the mirror and compared our two bodies. My body looked so frail and little compared to Vinnies totally muscular physique. Vinnie was covered with sweat and his muscles just glowed with power. He looked absolutely radiant standing there in nothing but his red nylon workout shorts. He was sweating so much that the shorts were clinging to his legs and his firm, round musclebutt.
We were about the same height, but that was the only thing that was the same about us. His body was big, buff and tan. My body was skinny, wimpy and white. As we stood side by side I could see that his shoulders were almost a foot wider than mine, yet his hips were actually narrower than mine. His thighs looked like oak trees compared to my little sticks. He flexed his quads and the muscles tightened at his command into huge slabs of shredded beef. His waist was small - smaller than mine - and his abs looked incredible. A corrugated eight-pack of living, pulsating steel. He flexed his abs and the ridges became deeper and even harder. ThenVinnie flexed his arms. I decided to flex mine too, just to compare with Vinnie. Omigod, I said to myself. What a contrast between strength and weakness. Vinnies 14-inch biceps bulged like steel-hard baseballs. My flabby little 10-inch biceps didnt even make a bump on my arms. Vinnie did a lat spread and I tried to do the same. Vinnies lats flared out like big wings of thick muscle. I didnt have any lats at all. Then Vinnie flexed his pecs and pushed out his big chest. Those pecs that had just finished six grueling sets of bench presses, working up to more than twice his bodyweight, were totally pumped and engorged with blood and just bulged out from his chest with striated fibers of hard muscle. His nipples were totally erect and his pec muscles were so big that they forced his nipples to point a little downward. Look at your little chicken chest compared to mine, yelled Vinnie. Look at all the fucking muscle I got. He flexed his pecs and pushed out his chest even further. Jesus, it was huge. You dig my muscles, dont you dweeb? You wish you had a body like this, dont you dweeb? You wish you had fuckin big, strong muscles that can kick anybodys ass any time they fuckin want. Vinnie looked down at my shorts and saw the big bulge in front. That bulge had been there since the first minute I laid eyes on Vinnie. Yeah, dweeb said Vinnie. I can see you dig my muscles. Here, feel how big and hard my pecs are after those fuckin killer bench presses. Vinnie flexed his pecs and pushed them right into my chest. I reached up and put my hands around the hot, hard, bulging slabs of muscle. My head started spinning as I took in the size and hardness of Vinnies pecs. I had never felt anything like that in my life. I didnt know human flesh could get that hard.
Jesus, Vinnie, I said. Your pecs are the biggest, hardest living things I have ever felt. Youre a fucking stud, Vinnie. Vinnie looked at me and kind of sneered. Youre fuckin right, dweeb. My muscles are fuckin big, hard and strong. Theyre so strong they can kick anybodys ass, including yours! I feel pumped and strong and like a fuckin stud. Go ahead, dweeb. You seem to be enjoying this. Go ahead and feel the rest of my big muscles. I kinda like having you digging my body like this. Well, I didnt need any more encouragement. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I literally attacked Vinnie with my hands and fingers, feeling every one of his big, buff muscles. I felt his thick, wide delts, his bulging traps, his pumped, blood-engorged pecs, his huge, rippling arms, his flaring, slab-like lats, his flat, hard, corrugated abs, his solid, round butt, his big, oak tree thighs and his diamond shaped steel hard calves. Vinnie flexed each muscle for me as I took in its size and power. We were yelling at each other. I was yelling at Vinnie as I felt his muscles, telling him how big and strong his muscles were and what a stud he was. Vinnie yelled back at me, agreeing with everything I said and telling me how great it felt to be so big, so muscular, so strong and telling me how I wasnt shit compared to him. Feel my biceps,dweebsaid Vinnie. Feel how fuckin big and round and hard they are. See how much bigger and stronger they are than your pathetic pieces of flab. He flexed his arms proudly and I wrapped my fingers around the huge balls of muscle. They were so big I could only get my fingers part way around the bulging muscle. I tried to squeeze his rippling biceps but they were hard as rocks and I couldnt make the slightest dent in the corded muscle fibers. My god, Vinnie, your biceps are the biggest, strongest things Ive ever seen. Theyre incredible. Vinnie kind of sneered at me. Fuckin right, dweeb. I got the biggest, strongest biceps of any kid in this whole fuckin city. I can beat up anyone I want. I dont take shit from nobody. He looked at me with kind of an evil look in his eyes.
Get on your knees, dweeb. Get on your knees in front of me. I got down on my knees in front of Vinnies huge, muscular body and looked up. His red shorts were clinging to his skin and the rest of him was covered with sweat. His muscles were rippling. Ya know dweeb, Im so strong I could take you out with just one punch to the gut. Youre nothing compared to me. I could crush you like a bug. I started trembling because I knew that he was absolutely right. Vinnies body was raging with testosterone and adrenaline and he was really aggressive. He made a fist with his right hand and pulled it back as if he were about to deliver a devastating punch. I trembled even more. Look at the mirror, dweeb, said Vinnie. Does that picture look familiar? I looked at the mirror and immediately recognized the drawing that Vinnie had made that morning. There was the little dweeb kneeling in front of the big muscle stud who had his huge, muscular arm pulled back ready to smash the little dweeb into oblivion. Vinnie smiled. See, dweeb. What I drew in that picture came true. Pretty cool, huh,?
I was still trembling. I still didnt know if Vinnie was going to hit me. I was totally at the mercy of this big, muscular 13-year old kid who bragged that he liked to beat up kids just for fun. But to my relief, Vinnie unclenched his fist. Then he tackled me with his big arms and pushed me to the mat. He started wrestling with me, pushing my arms into various holds and twisting my legs. But to my surprise, he never pushed hard enough to hurt me. He was just playing, toying with me. Youre really weak, ya know that, dweeb? he said. He wrapped his arm around my neck and flexed his bicep. The big, hard ball of muscle forced its way into my neck, cutting off the air in my windpipe. Is my big bicep hurting your scrawny little neck, dweeb? I nodded my head as Vinnie tightened his bicep even more. If he had wanted to he could have crushed my windpipe with his big, hard bicep. Ill bet your little bicep couldnt do shit to my neck. Look how muscular and strong it is. He released my neck and moved his thick, tan neck right in front of my eyes. He flexed his neck and traps. The muscles bulged at his command. No way would my mushy biceps make an impact on that muscular neck. He pinned both of my arms above my head with his right hand. Try to get up dweeb. Oh, you cant? Is my one arm stronger than both of your arms? Yeah, I guess it is. Like five times stronger! He dropped his big body right on top of mine. His pumped muscles totally enveloped my little frame. He was so hot and sweaty and his muscles were so hard. I could feel them bulging and pushing into my body. He moved his armpit right on top of my face and pressed it down on my nose. Smell that sweat, dweeb. Thats the sweat a real man makes when he lifts big, heavy weights. I bet you never made sweat like that before, did you dweeb? You wimps just cant work out hard enough to make sweat like that. But Im a fuckin real man, I lift fuckin big, heavy weights, and I make lots of real man sweat!
Vinnie sat up on my stomach and flexed his chest. Enough of this fucking around, dweeb. I gotta finish my chest workout. Im going to work these fucking muscles until they feel like their going to explode. Vinnie got up and took a big drink of water. He then proceeded to do four sets of incline dumbbell presses, four sets of decline dumbbell presses, four sets of dumbbell flyes, four sets of dumbbell pullovers and four sets of parallel bar dips with weights. For each of these exercises, he started off with a light weight for him and worked up to incredibly heavy poundages. He was using dumbbells that were so heavy I couldnt even pick them up off the floor. As with the bench presses, I helped him with the last few reps of his heavy sets. For the parallel bar dips, he strapped a belt around his hips and attached it to a dumbbell, which he then hoisted along with his own bodyweight in doing the dips. I was just dumbfounded at how strong he was doing these dips. He started with a 30 pound dumbbell for 10 reps and worked up to a 60 pound dumbbell for three reps. For the last two reps, I placed my hands on his narrow hips and helped him up ever so slightly. Vinnies pecs, triceps and delts did most of the work. I remembered how he had cranked out 25 dips at school. God, I thought to myself, those were just like childs play for Vinnies big muscles, which were so strong they could do dips with his own weight plus 60 pounds.
After every set, Vinnie stood in front of the mirror and let me feel his rippling muscles. This was the most pleasurable hour and a half I had ever had in my life. Being able to watch Vinnie pump those incredibly heavy weights and being able to see and feel his bulging muscles was like a dream come true. During this whole time, we kept talking to each other about his body - about how big he was, how strong he was, how I wasnt shit compared to him, how he could kick anybodys ass he wanted. Vinnie really had an attitude. He sure wasnt humble, and he loved talking about his big muscles. And so did I!
After he finished his chest workout, Vinnie worked out his abs. He worked out his abs every day. He said he had naturally cut and muscular abs, so he didnt need to work on them too much. He didnt want them to get too big. He liked his waist to be really small and shredded. I said I totally agreed, as I rubbed my hand across his hard washboard of muscle. He did 100 crunches and 100 hanging leg lifts. He let me put my hand on his abs as he cranked out the reps. The muscles undulated and flexed under his paper-thin skin as they lifted his body up and down. When he had finished, I put both of my hands on the hard muscle and pressed in with my fingers. It felt like I was pressing on a wall of bricks.
Vinnies workout lasted about two hours. He had done a total of 26 brutal sets of exercises for his pecs and 2 sets of 100 reps each for his abs. At the end of the workout, his pecs and abs - really all the muscles of his upper body - were so pumped and hard that I thought the muscle was just going to burst out of his skin. Vinnie said that he felt a great burn in his muscles and that he knew his pecs would be bigger and stronger for his chest workout next week.
Time to go home to your mommy and daddy, dweeb, he said. I put on my clothes and shoes. Vinnie just stood there in his red shorts, flexing his chest once in awhile. Ya know dweeb, youre a pretty good spotter. You make me feel real strong when I lift. I think Im going to keep you around. Now heres the deal. I work out chest on Mondays and legs on Fridays. I use really heavy weights for chest and legs, so you gotta be here to spot those days. Tuesday is arms, Wednesday is shoulders, and Thursday is back. You dont have to be here those days but you can if you want to. I can always use a little help with those last few heavy reps. So, tomorrow is arm day. Are you going to be here or not? Vinnie started curling his arms up and down. I looked at his big, hard, bulging biceps and knew what my answer had to be. Ill be here, I said. Vinnie smiled.
I walked out the garage door towards the street, clutching my dollar for bus fare in my hand. I looked back at Vinnie standing in the doorway in his red shorts. He smiled and flexed his pecs and abs at me. See ya at school tomorrow, dweeb, he said. Dont forget to bring an extra big lunch if you want to eat anything. I turned back towards the street and started walking. I thought about how my life had been totally changed in the last seven hours, the seven hours since Vinnie the transfer student arrived at our school.
The End.